Heflar, sporjárn & draghnífar
Sporjárnasett 4 Piece Butt Chisel Set
Semshefill: 3-1
Hefill no.60-1/2 Rider
Blokkhefill 60,5 Axminster
Mini hefill Trimming
Hefill Rider Apron
Key Features
- Compact size making it easy to carry and use
- Solid cast and polished brass cap with a durable O1 steel blade
- 30mm wide blade with a 12.5-degree bevel for smooth and accurate cuts
- Ergonomic design to reduce hand fatigue during extended periods of work
- Ideal for trimming, smoothing, and detailed woodworking tasks
Hefill no.102 Workshop
Hefill no.102 Rider
Rider handheflarnir og verkfærin hafa sannað ágæti sitt á íslenskum markaði í nokkur ár.
Gæðaverkfæri sem standast kröfur sem við gerum til góðrar upplifunar í smíðum og vandaða útkomu ýmissa verkefna.
- A plane destined for frequent use, fits naturally in the palm
- Micro-adjustable depth of cut for precision control
- Adjustable mouth allowing for either thin or thick shavings