ATH. verð er til viðmiðunar og staðfestist við pöntun á öllum okkar ofnum. Er ekki lagervara en við sérpöntum þá enda misjafnar þarfir og ágætt að huga að rafmagnsmálum þar sem ofninn verður keyrður t.a.m. hvort um einfasa (hefðubundið) rafmagn eða þriggja fasa rafmagn (stóra margpinna klóin). Afhendingartími er á bilinu 3-6 vikur að öllu jöfnu. Semja má um greiðslutilhögun en skólar/bæjarfélög greiða að jafnaði helming við pöntun og restina við afhendingu. Einstaklingar geta gert hið sama en einnig dreift greiðslum til lengri tíma (allt að 36 mánuði) á greiðslukort.
GF 75 – GF 1425
The furnace models GF 75 – GF 1050 are particularly suitable for fusing of glass. Their special construction, with infrared heating elements mounted on the ceiling and light fiber insulation, ensures fast heat-up and cool-down rates and optimum fusing or slumping results. As protected infrared heating is used, any direct contact with the heating coils is avoided. This means you can safely open the furnace during operation without the need to switch off the heating.
Top quality:
•Tmax 950 °C
•Infrared heating elements for short heat-up times and energy efficient operation
•Overhead heating for direct heat transfer to your ware
•Table with brick insulation
•Hood insulation with special ceramic fibers for rapid heating and cooling
•Solid-state power control relays for silent operation
•Fast power switching for precise temperature uniformity
•Type “K” (NiCr-Ni) thermocouple inside the furnace chamber for precise temperature measurement
•Housing made of high-grade stainless steel and ventilated lid
•Attractive and professional design enhances your image
•Gas springs counterbalance the lid weight for easy opening and closing
•Adjustable quick-release locks to secure the hood during firing
•Large “cool-touch” handle for opening and closing the furnace
•Angled sight ports with plugs let you see the progress of your work and cool quickly
•Delivered ready for operation including base frame with swivel casters and storage shelf
•Other sizes or custom designs available on request
•Exhaust air flap on hood for rapid cooling as additional equipment
3-4 week delivery time if not in stock
Model | Tmax | Int. W(mm) | Int. D(mm) | Int. H(mm) | Ext. W(mm) | Ext. D(mm) | Ext. H(mm) | Output(kW) | Phase | Floor Space (m2)_ | Weight(kg) |
GF380 | 950C | 1200 | 1000 | 380 | 1650 | 1500 | 1400 | 15,0 | 3-Phase | 1.20 | 350 |
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