A fine example of a No. 9 1/2 block plane, for performance and value. The cast and polished brass cap adds a touch more weight behind the cutter and a nicer feel in your hand. The blade is bevel-up, bedded at 20°, giving the plane all-round performance. The Axminster Workshop plane is suitable for home or professional site or bench use.
The Axminster Workshop No. 9 1/2 has a grey cast iron body with an adjustable mouth giving you control for fine or coarser work. The plane features micro depth adjustment and lateral blade control to achieve the thinnest of shavings.
The sole is 155mm long with a 41mm wide blade. The blade is O1 steel, offering good edge retention. It comes with a 25° bevel. The blade only requires honing before use (putting a 30° micro bevel on the edge can be done in less than a minute). Weighing 1kg (2lb 3oz), it is a real workhorse of a plane.
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