Blokkhefill 60,5 Axminster

26.854 kr.
  • One of the most useful planes in anyone’s kit
  • Low angle blade for super clean cuts
  • Excellent performance on end grain and softwood
  • Polished brass cap gives a little extra heft and comfort
  • Micro-adjustable depth of cut

Mini hefill Trimming

24.813 kr.
These slender pocket-size planes allow fine, controlled cuts in areas you could ordinarily trim only with a chisel. With very

Hefill no.102 Rider

19.990 kr.
Rider handheflarnir og verkfærin hafa sannað ágæti sitt á íslenskum markaði í nokkur ár.

Gæðaverkfæri sem standast kröfur sem við gerum til góðrar upplifunar í smíðum og vandaða útkomu ýmissa verkefna.

  • A plane destined for frequent use, fits naturally in the palm
  • Micro-adjustable depth of cut for precision control
  • Adjustable mouth allowing for either thin or thick shavings

Mini hefill BUSP

19.850 kr.
This 1:3-scale version of our small bevel-up smooth plane is only 3 1/2″ long and 13/16″ wide. Fully functional, it

Pfeil Tveggja Handa: 140mm

18.960 kr.
340 gr - 140mm

Veritas Fiðluhefill: Tvöfalt Kúpt

17.962 kr.
Góðir í fínvinnu - A2 stálblað - Handfang úr Bubinga við - Sjá nánar neðar.

Veritas Fiðluhefill: Flatur

17.962 kr.
Góðir í fínvinnu - A2 stálblað - Handfang úr Bubinga við - Sjá nánar neðar.

Mini hefill Shoulder

16.850 kr.
This 1:3-scale working model of our small plow plane is only 3″ long and weighs less than 3 oz. Made

Veritas mini falshefill/botnhefill

16.850 kr.
Weighing a mere 1.7 oz and measuring 2 1/2″ long by 1/4″ wide, this miniature version of our medium shoulder

Veritas tálguhefill

16.686 kr.
Frá Veritas Kanada - Hefur yfir sér yfirbragð fá 18. öldinni - Ál í gegn með dufthúð - Stálblað: 3mm þykkt.

Mini hefill nót

15.900 kr.

This tiny 3" wide router plane not only looks like its full-size counterpart, it works like it, too. Surprisingly comfortable to hold and maneuver, it is ideal for hardware installation and for fine inlay or intarsia work.

Tálguhefill Rider sljettur

15.600 kr.
  • Flat sole for convex curves and chamfers
  • O1 carbon steel blade hardened and tempered to HRC 63
  • Twin adjusting screws for depth and lateral adjustment