Showing 37–48 of 538 results

Málmhúðunarpenni sett

Original price was: 128.900 kr..Current price is: 116.010 kr..

With the JUNIOR 120 pen plating unit ,gold, silver and rhodium plating can be applied very easily, economically and without appearing blotchy. The unit is particularly well suited for enhancing jewellery with highly complex shapes (e.g. clasps, rings, brooches, necklaces, watches), which would only be otherwise possible using the longer and more expensive covering method. Pen plating with the JUNIOR 120 allows application of layer thickness of around 0.1 μm.

Startkitt Kveiking Silfursmíði

Original price was: 124.500 kr..Current price is: 112.050 kr..

Vinsælasta startkittið fyrir  byrjendur í silfursmíði

Helstu handverkfærin og kveikingarhlutinn líka

Ýmislegt fleira er gott að eiga fyrir þá sem elska að smíða, sjá Stóra pakkann okkar (101sil).

Foredome Fræsarahandfang: Hamar

Original price was: 112.758 kr..Current price is: 101.482 kr..
Frá Foredom USA - Fyrir 1070 og 1030 - Vinnsluhraði: 0-5.000 slög á mínútu - Afl: Létt til fullt með því að snúa málmhringnum meðan mótorinn er í gangi eða það er slökkt á honum - Heildarlengd: 156mm - 115 volt - 230 volt.

GRS handfang QC 901

Original price was: 117.481 kr..Current price is: 99.859 kr..

Get breakthrough impact technology with fine control and a huge range of power. The comfortable, compact shape has an adjustable side hose connection. It fits most engraving and stone setting needs, including micro engraving, deep relief work, and bead raising/hammer setting. Made from fully heat-treated stainless steel.

GRS 901 handfang Airtact

Original price was: 116.799 kr..Current price is: 99.279 kr..

GRS QC Monarch AT

Original price was: 109.579 kr..Current price is: 93.142 kr..

This is the finest impact handpiece for confident execution of ultra-fine engraving, including bulino and banknote styles. The Monarch features heat-treated stainless steel construction with an adjustable side hose connection. For Airtact. Including misc. accessories.

Length: 59 mm

Weight: 51 g

GRS grafkúla microblock XL

Original price was: 103.575 kr..Current price is: 88.038 kr..

The GRS MicroBlock® has been expanded to give it additional weight and functionality. The new MicroBlock XL is a 3.1 kg vise with a 100 mm ball diameter. It is the perfect size between the GRS MicroBlock and GRS Standard Block. By utilizing the same jaws from the MicroBlock, the XL allows compatibility with all your favorite MicroBlock attachments. It also comes with two bases, one plastic and one rubber, for increased control. The small and maneuverable vise is great for stone setting, smallto- medium-size engravings, and other precision work. The internal rotational brake system lets the user choose the amount of rotational resistance from free to locked. Its low profile is suited for microscope work.

GRS BenchMate Encore QC

Original price was: 98.500 kr..Current price is: 83.725 kr..
grunnsett – basic kit Work is held steadily in place yet easily repositionable to accommodate a range of techniques and

Raytech Demantsblað: 24″

Original price was: 89.650 kr..Current price is: 80.685 kr..
Raytech Grænt Demantsblað - Þykkt: 2,5mm - Grófur demantur. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Foredom Slípisog með Ljósi

Original price was: 88.700 kr..Current price is: 79.830 kr..
Frá Foredom USA - Notað í skartgripagerð, tannlæknastofum og fleiri stöðum til að grípa ryk þegar fræsa eða pólera þarf gripi - Hefur losanlegan vatnsþéttann bakka - Glæran polycarbonate skjöld og gæsaháls LED ljós sem er mjög skært og endingargott.

Demantssagarblað MK303: 18″

Original price was: 87.429 kr..Current price is: 78.686 kr..
Lortone MK303 hágæða demantsblað í steinasögun - Gefur mjúkan skurð og er notað á sjaldgæfa og verðmæta steina og efni - Þvermál: 18" eða 45cm - Gat: 2,5cm

GRS keramik diskur 150mm

Original price was: 88.387 kr..Current price is: 75.129 kr..