Showing 961–972 of 3101 results

Kjulla Púkkenholt: 3.5″

13.995 kr.
Handfang úr aski - Stærð: 3,5"


13.990 kr.
  • 25 piece kit, use in a pillar drill or hand drill
  • Consists of 5 rubber drums of different diameters
  • Replacement sleeves are available separately


13.980 kr.
  • Rigid extruded aluminium profile guides the power tool
  • Guarantees a straight cut when sawing or routing
  • A purpose-made, obstruction-free solution

Foredom Aukahlutasett: 60stk

13.915 kr.
Aukahlutasett fyrir skartsmiði - 60 nytsamlegir hlutir - Steinar, púðar, diskar, sandbönd og margt fleira - Standur seldur sér.

Japönsk Ryoba tvöf.sög

13.880 kr.

Key Features

  • Double-edged, two saws for the price of one
  • Crosscut teeth with 3 cutting edges for clean finish
  • Rip teeth cut at amazing speed, with a smooth action
  • Cuts on the pull stroke, requires less effort
  • Thin, hard blade naturally follows a straight line
  • Narrow kerf removes less material

Japönsk Tenon sög Dozuki

13.880 kr.
  • For extremely precise and accurate cuts
  • Fine blade supported by a steel spine
  • 26tpi, 240mm blade, 50mm depth of cut

Leðurreim Svört: 2mm – 100m

13.860 kr.
Leðurreim - Þykkt: 2,0mm - Litur: Svartur - Lengd: 100 m


13.854 kr.
  • For benches and tables with 20mm dog holes
  • Simple twist of the top locks dog in place
  • CNC machined from 303 stainless steel

Mini hefill Edge

13.850 kr.
A 1:3-scale version of our current iron edge plane, which is the third-generation design of a model we first produced

UJK loftpúðar 160mm

13.850 kr.
  • Inflatable shims with dozens of uses
  • For fitting, fixing or levelling; slimline, slides into a 2mm gap
  • Hand operated for controlled inflation

Brýnslusett vatnssteinn og demantur

13.850 kr.
  • Brýnslusett með öllu sem þarf til að ná góðu biti í hnífa og verkfæri
  • Tvöfaldur vatnssteinn 400/1000 grófleiki, demantsafréttari/gróft brýni.
  • Stýring fyrir gráðuarnar og standur fylgir einnig með.
  • Sharpen kitchen knives effortlessly
  • Achieve even consistent bevels on both sides
  • Double sided Waterstone produces fine edge

Veritas Mælitæki með Kvarða

13.850 kr.
Frá Veritas Kanada - Nauðsynlegt verkfæri fyrir þá sem renna - Hægt að lesa mælinn að aftan svo að óþarfi er að halla hausnum í hvert skipti sem mæla þarf hlut.