Showing 493–504 of 3085 results

Soggræja ASA Proxxon

38.500 kr.
Efficient filtration of dust, chips, vapours and smoke as well as pollen, bacteria, viruses, spores and odours. Fleece pre-filter for

Tálguöxi bogið blað

38.500 kr.


  • Total length – 335 mm (13.18 inches)
  • Blade length – 118 mm (2.95 inches)
  • Blade width – 157 mm (6.2 inches)
  • Handle length – 265 mm (10.4 inches)
  • Steel material – 1066 Carbon, 56-58 HRC
  • Grind type – Convex
  • Handle material – Ashwood
  • Sheath material – Cowhide leather

Rennisett aukahlutir grunnur

38.500 kr.

Grunnsett af aukahlutum sem hjálpa mikið til við trérennibekkinn.
Lím og herðir til að styrkja og laga sprungur og einnig notað í yfirborðsmeðferð á minni hlutum.
Mælum með trérenniriti sem Andri tók saman með helstu grunnupplýsingum um rennibekkinn, járnin og hvað þau gera, helstu verkefni sýnt sem henta sem grunnverkefni og hvernig skal loka og meðhöndla viðinn í lokin (nr. 8000treI )

Tálgusett 3 hnífar 1beinn/2bognir

38.500 kr.

Set of 3 wood carving tools is used in spoon, bowl, cup, kuksa and ware wood carving. Wood carving tools kit consists of 3 tools: hook knife 30mm diameter, whittling knife with 58mm blade length, bent gouges #5 with 10mm  width.

Helle Temagami CA HNÍFUR

38.500 kr.

A wilderness knife

The semi-full tang provides the extra strength associated with bushcraft knives. The triple laminated carbon steel tang is exposed on the top and pommel end, but is covered by the wood of the handle on the finger side. This protects the fingers from direct contact with the steel in cold weather. The blade is made of triple laminated carbon steel that provides excellent edge holding toughness and ease for sharpening. The handle has a bit of a finger guard to help keep your hand off the edge when slippery. The handle shape on the updated version of the Temagami CA allows a better control of the knife when holding in more positions. The Temagami CA comes with a Scandinavian style pouch sheath retains the knife securely without the need for snaps or straps.

Helle Hnífur: Temagami CA

38.500 kr.
Frá Helle í Noregi - Vandaður útivistarhnífur úr 3 laga karbon stáli - Kemur í leðurslíðri - Blaðlengd: 110mm - Blaðþykkt: 3,0mm - Þyngd: 155gr - Skepti: Birki.

Brennipennastöð ST-171 m.hitastilli

38.500 kr.
Mismunandi volt frá 0,,5V - 1,6V - Þrír oddar fylgja með.

Veritas Greinayddari: 25mm

38.490 kr.
Frá Veritas Kanada - Skurðargeta yddarans er 37mm meira en uppgefin stærð hans - Númer A á mynd.

Proxxon Borðsög: KS 230

37.890 kr.
Lítil og nett borðsög - góð fyrir módelsmiði og handverksmenn sem þurfa gæði og nákvæmni. Fyrir fullkomna beina skurði í tré, mjúkmálma, plast og fleira.

Tálgusett 3 hnífar í trékassa

37.850 kr.

A set of knives for carving can be used to perform chip geometric carving, to create a small sculpture. Some of them are used as the only tool when working in "technique of one of the cutter".

Sjöbergs Sett f.19mm göt

37.732 kr.

Key Features

  • Sjöbergs Universal Anvil
  • Fits all benches with 19mm min dog hole
  • Protects your workbench top
  • Wraparound anvil locks into any dog hole
  • Sjöbergs Holdfast ST03 (Twin Pack)
  • Can be attached on top of and on the front of benches
  • Fits the Nordic Plus benches and Duo, any bench with 19mm dog holes
  • Pack of 2
  • Sjöbergs 19mm Bench Dogs (Pkt 4)
  • Bench dogs, plastic coated to help protect edge tools
  • Reversible for thin workpieces
  • Pack of 4, 19mm(3/4")