Showing 37–48 of 3085 results

Nabertherm Topphlaðinn: 140L

1.125.266 kr.
Frá Nabertherm í Þýskalandi.  Hitar frá öllum hliðum. Topp gæði - 1300° Celsíus - Innra rúmmál: 550mm - 140 Lítra - Breidd: 730mm - Dýpt: 990mm - Hæð: 1020mm - Þriggja fasa innstunga - Þyngd: 120kg. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda

Borðsög AP254SB Dado

1.046.250 kr.

Key Features

  • Large capacity, super strong, built for daily use
  • Saw bench, overhead crown guard and dado blade set
  • Cut accurate grooves and create dados up to 20mm wide

Nabertherm 40Lítra framhlaðinn

1.045.000 kr.
600*700mm m.stýringu&plötum

Rohde Topphlaðinn: TE150MCC+

1.044.827 kr.
150 lítra topphlaðinn MCC ofn frá Rohde í Þýskalandi. Hillur og stýring fylgja - Þyngd: 109kg - Hámarkshiti: 1320°C - 10.5kW - Einfasa

Laguna 24/36 Woodturning Lathes 230V

1.003.525 kr.

Key Features

  • Bowl turning capacity of 600mm diameter allows for larger projects
  • Heavy cast-iron bed ensures maximum stability and minimal vibration
  • Self-ejecting tailstock with long quill travel extends reach and usability
  • Forward and reverse rotation enhances versatility and finish quality
  • Indexing positions at 14, 36, and 48 for precise and repeatable patterns
  • Powerful 2.2 kW induction motor with VFD frequency converter
  • Digital speed readout allows for precise control and speed monitoring

Hefilbekkur fjórfaldur SETT

988.000 kr.

SJÖBERGS KVADRAT. Lacquered beech. The external dimensions of the Kvadrat are 1300x1300x60 mm.
The top is supplied with a double row of holes for the round bench dogs to provide more flexible clamping. Height adjustable steel stand for the 4-group version, 700–900 mm. Trestle in zink coated steel.

Rohde Topphlaðinn: TE95S

972.368 kr.
95 lítra topphlaðinn ofn frá Rohde í Þýskalandi.  Þyngd: 113kg - Hámarkshiti: 1320°C - 7.0kW - Möguleiki á að stækka hann í 140 lítra með extension.

Puk Orion 100c m.Smásjá

951.614 kr.

Öflug græja í kaldkveikingu (pukk) með góðu "range" fra´3 til 100 joules krafti fyrir flesta málma.

Smásjáin er innifalin í verðinu.

A step up from the Orion mPulse, the 100c delivers more energy control and wider energy range from 3 to 100 joules!

Rohde Glerofn: FE100N

936.481 kr.
100 lítra topphlaðinn ofn frá Rohde í Þýskalandi. Hillur og stýring fylgja - Þyngd: 200kg - Hámarkshiti: 1000°C - 3.6kW - Innanmál: 52*52*38cm - Vinnuhæð: 35cm

Elma Select500 hljóðbylgjupottur

896.500 kr.

Elma hreinsipottarnir hafa sannað sig hjá fagmönnum á Íslandi í áratugi – Hljóðbylgjupottur fyrir fagmenn – þýsk topp framleiðsla.

50 lítra tankur - mörg hreinsikerfi - hljóðlátur

hitastig vatns haldið jöfnu, stillanlegt frá 25-80 gráður (c)

  • powerful 37 kHz ultrasonic frequency quickly handles a variety of tasks
  • program up to 4 commonly used procedures to save you setup time
  • set cleaning cycles 1 minute to 6 hours with auto shut-off
  • brilliant digital displays of cleaning parameters and status

Rohde EcoTop60 leirofn

895.509 kr.

The ECOTOP series is a newly designed and developed kiln model among our range of toploading kilns. ECOTOP kilns are most energy-saving kilns and are outstanding in their energy efficiency due to a new insulating concept.

The three-layer insulation structure consists of a 15 mm high-quality, microporous back insulation which allows firing up to usual stoneware temperatures with a regular 230 volt supply (German grounded plug 3.6 kW).

Hefill/afréttari AT310SPT SPIRAL

874.500 kr.
  • Trade rated planer thicknesser substantially constructed from cast iron and welded steel
  • Spiral block with shear cutting action gives a very clean finish to the work
  • Uses 15mm solid Tungsten Carbide four edged spur cutters