Nabertherm Topphlaðinn: 140L
Borðsög AP254SB Dado
Rohde Topphlaðinn: TE150MCC+
Laguna 24/36 Woodturning Lathes 230V
Key Features
- Bowl turning capacity of 600mm diameter allows for larger projects
- Heavy cast-iron bed ensures maximum stability and minimal vibration
- Self-ejecting tailstock with long quill travel extends reach and usability
- Forward and reverse rotation enhances versatility and finish quality
- Indexing positions at 14, 36, and 48 for precise and repeatable patterns
- Powerful 2.2 kW induction motor with VFD frequency converter
- Digital speed readout allows for precise control and speed monitoring
Hefilbekkur fjórfaldur SETT
Rohde Topphlaðinn: TE95S
Puk Orion 100c m.Smásjá
Rohde Glerofn: FE100N
Elma Select500 hljóðbylgjupottur
Elma hreinsipottarnir hafa sannað sig hjá fagmönnum á Íslandi í áratugi – Hljóðbylgjupottur fyrir fagmenn – þýsk topp framleiðsla.
50 lítra tankur - mörg hreinsikerfi - hljóðlátur
hitastig vatns haldið jöfnu, stillanlegt frá 25-80 gráður (c)
- powerful 37 kHz ultrasonic frequency quickly handles a variety of tasks
- program up to 4 commonly used procedures to save you setup time
- set cleaning cycles 1 minute to 6 hours with auto shut-off
- brilliant digital displays of cleaning parameters and status
Rohde EcoTop60 leirofn
The ECOTOP series is a newly designed and developed kiln model among our range of toploading kilns. ECOTOP kilns are most energy-saving kilns and are outstanding in their energy efficiency due to a new insulating concept.
The three-layer insulation structure consists of a 15 mm high-quality, microporous back insulation which allows firing up to usual stoneware temperatures with a regular 230 volt supply (German grounded plug 3.6 kW).