Showing 313–324 of 3085 results

Proxxon Rafhlöðusandvél: BS/A

67.950 kr.
Rafhlaða og hleðslutæki fylgir - Góð vél í erfið verkefni - 10mm breitt belti sem er 110mm langt - Hægt að snúa hausnum með einum takka - 10,8V(2,6Ah) lithíum batterí. Kemur í sterkri tösku með 4 beltum: 2*80gr og 2*180gr.

Tormek Trérennisett í tösku

67.600 kr.
Ný taska núna utan um settið - allar helstu stýringar og mælitæki fyrir rennijárnabrýnslu
  • Sharpen turning tools with complete control
  • Packed in a high-quality storage case with foam insert
  • SVD-186 for turning gouges and tool tips
  • SVS-50 for carving and lathe tools
  • TTS-100 angle and setting gauge for SVD-186 and SVS-50
  • SVD-110 support plate with Torlock
  • LA-120 profile impeller
  • MH-380 grinding machine cover
  • TNT-300 DVD and comprehensive tuition manual

UJK Technology OTORO Compact Palm Router

67.457 kr.
  • A unique and ingenious router table
  • Perfect for making small, precision components
  • Suitable for Bosch GKF 600 or Makita RT0700/RT0702, DeWALT D26204/DCW604

Crown Cryo Rennijárnasett: 5stk

66.910 kr.
Gæðajárn sem skemmtilegt er að nota. Cryogenic meðferð sem tryggir lengri líftíma. Frábært val bæði fyrir byrjendur sem atvinnumenn. Gott jafnvægi og þægileg í notkun. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Rennijárnasett 5 stk

66.500 kr.
Ideal for beginners or experienced turners: 3/4inch roughing gouge; 1/4inch spindle gouge; 1/2inch skew chisel; 1/4inch parting tool; 1/2inch round nose scraper. Made in Sheffield; England from the highest quality M2 High Speed Steel.

Durston Úthöggsett: 9gata

66.500 kr.
Frá Durston Englandi - Stærðir gata í mm: 20-28mm - Stærð: 250*220*160mm - Þyngd: 7,45kg. Sjá nánar neðar og á mynd(#1203).

Kælikerfi fyrir 1-6mm demantsbora

66.035 kr.
Allt er innifalið, slanga og fittings upp á krana og virkar fyrir borana litlu 0,6mm- 6mm

Cyclone m poka Workshop AW118CI

65.820 kr.
  • Unpowered cyclone extractor/interceptor for home use
  • Efficiently separates the wood waste from the airflow
  • Uses the cyclone body and waste bin from the AW118CE Cyclone Extractor
  • Easy mobility thanks to the castor wheels
  • Use with a variety of machines from thicknessers to sanders

Tormek Demantssteinn Fine 600grid

64.960 kr.
  • Diamond-grinding wheels for exceptional durability
  • Fine 600 grit for efficient steel removal with smooth surface finish
  • Sharpens on the flat side as well as the periphery
  • Use with MB-100 multi base to produce a completely flat bevels
  • Never requires dressing
  • Always retains original diameter

Standur universal- AW355WL

64.950 kr.
  • Floor stand for the Axminster AW355WL and Axminster AP350WL
  • Suitable for the AW240 and the AW305
  • Made from heavy gauge steel box section to securely support the lathe
  • Splayed back legs to allow plenty of foot room
  • Adjustable height rubber feet give stability
  • The stand is adjustable in length, could accommodate other lathes

Tormek Demantssteinn Extra-Fine 1200

64.938 kr.
  • Diamond-grinding wheels for exceptional durability
  • Extra Fine 1,200 grit for refined and polished edge
  • Sharpens on the flat side as well as the periphery
  • Use with MB-100 multi base to produce a completely flat bevels
  • Never requires re-truing
  • Always retains original diameter

Rennipatróna SK100 33×3,5mm

64.800 kr.
  • 100mm stór úr massífu ryðfríu stáli
  • Fjórir öruggir sleðar sem herðast allir samtímis
  • Möguleiki á allskonar stærðum af kjöftum á patrónuna