Hefilbekkur DIY 1500
Mirka Deos353cb sander sett
Key Features
- Powerful and compact orbital palm sander
- Delivers precise and efficient performance
- Variable speed easily controlled via a lever
- Low maintenance brushless motor
- Integrated vibration sensor with Bluetooth technology
- Deco Solutions kit includes:
- Box of 50, 80 grit Abranet strips
- Box of 50, 120 grit Abranet strips
- Box of 50, 180 grit Abranet strips
- T-LOC Systainer case
- Safety Specs
Proxxon Tifsög: DS 460
Laguna B/Flux 1 Dust Extractor 230V
Key Features
- Compact and portable, ideal for smaller workshops.
- High-efficiency 1 micron pleated filter captures fine dust particles.
- Powerful 229mm steel radial balanced fan and quiet induction motor.
- Patented Snap-Band for quick and easy bag changes.
- High portability on swivel castors for easy movement.
- Durable steel frame ensures long-lasting performance.
Pokasog Workshop AW153E
Sjobergs Nordic Plus 1450 Bench
Hágæða hefilbekkur frá Sjöbergs í Svíþjóð – Stálhundar fylgja – Heildarlengd: 1470mm með 500mm disk – Heildarbreidd: 630mm – Þykkt: 85mm – Vinnuhæð: 860m – Þyngd: 31 kg
Hægt er að panta með Skápaeiningu í bekkinn (nr. s33374)
- Sturdy under frame from Scandinavian pine
- Hard Nordic birch top built to last
- Double row of dog holes from each vice location
Mirka DEROS 5650CV Random Orbit Sander
- Létt en öflug slípivél fyrir fagmenn og áhugafólk elskar líka.Hjámiðjusnúningur sem gefur bestan árangur og létta vistvæna vinnu.Tengt við ryksugu er vinnan nánast ryklaus og "brushless" mótor tryggir þægilega hljóðvist.Vélin hefur margsannað kosti sína og er ótrúlega öflug og vönduð vél sem þolir allskonar álag.
- nique brushless high performance motor is very compact
- 5mm orbit for fast material removal
- Features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology
Rykhreinsir AT25AFS Air Filter
Laguna C/Flux 2/3 HEPA Canister Filter
Pepe Málmklippur: 100mm
Málmhúðunarpenni sett
With the JUNIOR 120 pen plating unit ,gold, silver and rhodium plating can be applied very easily, economically and without appearing blotchy. The unit is particularly well suited for enhancing jewellery with highly complex shapes (e.g. clasps, rings, brooches, necklaces, watches), which would only be otherwise possible using the longer and more expensive covering method. Pen plating with the JUNIOR 120 allows application of layer thickness of around 0.1 μm.