Showing 2077–2088 of 3103 results

Proxxon Ryksugupokar: CW

3.990 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Ryksugupokar í Proxxon Ryksuguna(27490) - Magn: 5stk - Pokana þarf að taka úr vélinni áður en vökvar eru ryksugaðir.

Fræsitönn Harðmálm: Keila – 3mm

3.990 kr.
Axminster Tungsten Karbíð tönn - Keila - 3mm - Til að forma, slétta og hreinsa - Hentug fyrir málma, stál, plast,keramík og tré.

Proxxon Sandlípisett: 120gr – 10stk

3.990 kr.
Frá Proxxon í Þýskalandi - Þvermál rúllu: 14mm - Lengd rúllu: 13mm - Skaft: 3mm - 10 sandslípihausar á fræsara - 1 skaft með 3 mm bor. Til að pússa járn, stál, mjúkmálma, tré og plast.

Corundum Skerdiskar: 22*0,7 – 50 stk.

3.990 kr.
Frá Proxxon. Gerðir úr mjög sterku efni og vinnur vel á málmum, tré og plasti. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

perluvír 2,4mm 20cm

3.988 kr.

Silfurvír í perluformi (sterling 935) og perlurnar eru 2,4 mm

Intended for decorative frames and accent work, this dead-soft, sterling silver full-bead wire offers a rugged beaded appearance and is able to withstand more metal forming tasks. The rugged look is created by the beads themselves varying from fully rounded to slightly flattened or somewhat squared-off. The slenderness of the wire between beads makes this wire suitable only for applications that do not subject the wire to ongoing stress; we suggest annealing this bead wire frequently. Dead soft wire is easy to bend, shape and hammer; it is an ideal starting point for forming, shaping and wire-wrapping. Keep in mind that hardness is changeable (by annealing or heat-hardening) and is relative among metal types (each temper will feel and handle differently from one metal to another). When finishing your pieces, also keep in mind that the harder the metal is, the brighter a finish it will take.

Tölustafasett 6mm

3.980 kr.
  • For marking metals and other solid materials
  • High grade, heat-treated steel
  • Security marking tools is highly recommended
  • Letter and number punch sets available
  • Supplied in plastic box


3.980 kr.
  • Quick, accurate marking of dovetail slopes in one handy tool
  • Graduated measurement scales
  • Aluminium with a black anodised finish and white markings

Hakkar litlir f snilldarlausn

3.980 kr.

Key Features

  • Suitable for any bench with 19mm (3/4") dog holes.
  • Solid resilient plastic will not damage edge tools
  • Length 42mm

Silfurstál 6mm

3.980 kr.
Silfurstál er frábært efni í smíðar á verkfærum og öðrum nytjahlutum, gott að herða eftir formun.
  • British made, high carbon bright steel, precision ground
  • Guaranteed accuracy; 330mm lengths; readily machinable
  • Closely controlled analysis for consistent heat treatment results

Vinkill 75x50mm

3.980 kr.
  • General duty steel squares
  • Hardened steel blades
  • Intended for sheet metal use but also popular with cabinet makers
  • Holds its accuracy over a long period of time
  • Accurate on both inside and outside edges

UJK Technology Dog Rail Clip (Pair)

3.980 kr.
  • The perfect accessory for track saw and Parf Dog users
  • Keeps track secure and square against dogs
  • Eliminates 'dog drift', prevents any lateral movement

Stálull Grade 000: 450gr

3.980 kr.
Öðru nafni Tröllaull - Magn: 450grömm - Grófleiki: 000