Rennibekur AW305WL Workshop
Sjöbergs skápur SM03
Gullhjúpaður snúinn vír 1mm 16cm
Gullhjúpaður / Goldfilled
Þessi skemmtilega framleiðsla á málmi í skartgripi eða önnur listaverk er ný falleg og vönduð framleiðsla sem lækkar hráefniskostnaðinn umtalsvert í samanburði við 14ct. gull. Hjúpurinn er miklu þykkari en í hefðbundinni gullhúðun eða um 5% af þyngd málsins er 14ct. gullhjúpur utan um annan málm yfirleitt brass. Hjúpurinn er sterkur bæði gagnvart núningi og einnig fellur mjög hægt (tarnish) á þessa framleiðslu.
This 14/20 yellow gold-filled wire offers a completely faceted surface that catches and reflects light, producing a dynamic sparkling effect. Cut to the length you need, the wire is an ideal starting point for your custom jewelry designs. Manufactured to exacting quality standards in our solar-powered facility.
Keep in mind that hardness is changeable by annealing, heat-hardening or work-hardening.
Pfeil D-Sett: 18stk – Stutt
Tormek Skúffustandur: TS-740
Mirka Deros 5650CV sett
Key Features
- Supplied with both 125mm and 150mm pads
- Low profile with low weight, easy to use in any position
- Soft start and electronic brake for controlled sanding
- Unique high performance brushless motor
- Bluetooth technology for monitoring vibration levels
- Supplied in T-LOC Systainer case
- Includes Deco Solutions Kit containing:
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 80grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 120grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 180grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 240grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 320grit
- 1 pair Mirka safety specs
Fræsaraborð UJK hátt 890mm
Tormek T2 Pro Kitchen
Tormek T-2 Pro Kitchen Knife Sharpener is a knife sharpening system adapted and certified for commercial use. For the devoted home chef we offer the Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener.
- Professional sharpening in 60 seconds.
- Quick and easy setup.
- Patented guide provides a consistent angle and smooth bevel.