Axminster Parrot Skrúfstykki: 89mm

16.850 kr.
Frá Axminster í Bretlandi. Kjaftar opnast mest 127mm - Breidd: 89mm - Dýpt: 57mm - Snýst 360° í allar áttir. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

GRS Bench pin kit

15.850 kr.
platti og festing eins og á mynd. ath. festingin á borðið til að halda þessu er seld sér (enda er

Proxxon Skrúfstykki: FMZ

15.850 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Snýst í allar áttir - Festist auðveldlega á vinnuborð allt að 60mm þykkum - Einnig hægt að losa borðfestinguna af og skrúfa beint í borð með 2 skrúfum - 75mm kjaftar með plasthlífum sem hægt að fjarlægja auðveldlega.

Proxxon Skrúfstykki: Primus 75

14.790 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Góð skrúfstykki til að nota með standborvélum - Breidd kjafta: 75mm - Kjaftar opnast: 65mm - Þyngd: 2,5kg.

UJK loftpúðar 160mm

13.850 kr.
  • Inflatable shims with dozens of uses
  • For fitting, fixing or levelling; slimline, slides into a 2mm gap
  • Hand operated for controlled inflation

Grafplatti m.standi ál Niqua

13.425 kr.

Engraving clamp on base can be rotated 360°

By appropriately moving the retaining pins, objects of various shapes can be securely fixed. Max. opening 55 mm

Skrúfstykki svart Durston

12.650 kr.

The Durston Clamp 360° Swivel Vice.

  • Clamp fixing up 48mm bench top
  • 50mm Wide Grip
  • Max Opening: 60mm
  • 360° swivel with locking lever
  • Powder Coated Cast Iron

Þvinga SB m.festingu Sjöbergs

11.965 kr.
Materials Metal with adjustable plastic tension plate
Dimensions Tension plate Ø 65 mm
Weight1.0 kg (2 lb 3 oz)
EAN 7316703636105

Sjöbergs þvinga f.Elite

11.850 kr.

Rautt handfang

1,7 kg þyngd

Pocket hole klemma

9.860 kr.

Key Features

  • Locking C-Clamp with a 75mm throat depth
  • Strong quick release clamp with 45mm face pads
  • Holds the pocket hole jig portable plate securely to workpiece
  • Also can be used as a standard workclamp
  • Quick action and secure lock
  • Opening to a maximum of 75mm

GRS festiplata framaná borð

9.790 kr.

For use with shelving, BenchMate, and Multi-Purpose Vise Systems.

GRS pitch skál

9.470 kr.

The PitchCup is filled with a special material that softens when heated to hold small, fragile, or irregular pieces for engraving, setting, and finishing. Fits any vise, engraving block, or BenchMate Workholding System.

Diameter: 50.8 mm.