Flexcut Tálguskrapar: 7stk
Leatherman CrafterC33TX Svartur
- Ready for anything: The Crater C33 is the perfect lightweight everyday carry knife. Slice through your work with ease, then pop open a cold one to toast your next favorite multitool.
- Just the essentials: The Crater C33 is equipped with just 2 tools: a knife and a carabiner/bottle opener. What more could you need?
- Safe and secure: With a blade that locks when opened, you can cut with confidence. And with a thumb stud, you can open the C33 with ease (and only one hand).
- Always on hand: The C33's bottle opener doubles as a carabiner so it never has to leave your side. It also features a pocket clip and weighs only 2.36 ounces.
Rafheftibyssa J-102 DA
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