Showing 1–12 of 53 results

Elmasolvex RM 230v

973.331 kr.
525*650mm stærð

UJK vinkill/marker 250mm

53.650 kr.

Key Features

  • Pivot point allows you to mark angles between 10 – 90°
  • Internal and external scale ensure marking is simple
  • Accuracy of square conforms to DIN 875 Grade 00. Calibration certificate inc.
  • Tapered marking holes every 5mm fits common pencil angle
  • Made entirely at our in-house manufacturing facility in Axminster, UK
  • A level of accuracy unmatched by any other standard woodworker’s square
  • Use as a scribing tool
  • Butts at different thicknesses; easy to mark centres of common sheet material
  • Bevel on the hypotenuse for easier read of angle marks
  • Two internal marking radii to assist in the marking & removal of sharp corners

UJK vinkill/marker 150mm

29.721 kr.

Key Features

  • Pivot point allows you to mark angles between 10 – 90°
  • Internal and external scale ensure marking is simple
  • Accuracy of square conforms to DIN 875 Grade 00. Calibration certificate inc.
  • Tapered marking holes every 5mm fits common pencil angle
  • Made entirely at our in-house manufacturing facility in Axminster, UK
  • A level of accuracy unmatched by any other standard woodworker’s square
  • Use as a scribing tool
  • Butts at different thicknesses; easy to mark centres of common sheet material
  • Bevel on the hypotenuse for easier read of angle marks
  • Two internal marking radii to assist in the marking & removal of sharp corners

Veritas rissmát tvöfalt

17.990 kr.
  • Hardened steel wheel cutters
  • Cuts wood fibres, rather than tears
  • Marks cleanly, even on cross grain
  • Wheels retract into the head of the gauge for storage and protection
  • The gauges are very easy to set
  • Made in Canada

Skíðmál 150mm digital Limit

17.850 kr.

Skíðmál (skífmál)

Digital Vernier calipers. Triple reading: in mm / inch in decimals / inch in fractions. Made of stainless steel. Automatic shut-off. 4-function. DIN 862.Battery type SR44, included.

Skíðmál 150mm digital GemRed

16.980 kr.
  • Robust stainless steel construction
  • High precision digital readout
  • Imperial or metric display at the touch of a button

Veritas Þykktarmælir: 22,5cm

16.980 kr.
Frá Veritas Kanada - Stærð: 9" - Aðallega notað af rennismiðum - Hægt að mæla nánast hvaða vasa eða skál sem er.

Micro adj. marking

16.890 kr.

Rissmát frá Veritas Canada

Our standard wheel marking gauge is a great workhorse and excellent value. Its popularity led to the development of a second model that incorporates a micro-adjust feature. It is similar to our standard wheel marking gauge with an anodized aluminum body, brass face, stainless-steel rod and internal O-ring to keep a constant light friction force on the rod. It differs in that the body is slightly longer and is fitted with a two-stage collet that allows micro-adjustment of the cutting wheel. The collet has a fine-pitch thread; one revolution advances or retracts the wheel 1/32", a half turn 1/64", a quarter turn 1/128", etc. The knurled thumbscrew then locks the setting.

Veritas rissmát standard

14.490 kr.

Rissmát frá Veritas Canada.

Langvinsælasta rissmátið kemur frá þessum gæða framleiðnada í Canada. 

Hefur sannað ágæti sitt á þeim 25 árum sem við höfum boðið upp á þetta lipra rissmát í fínsmíði.

Margir nemendur tækniskóla og framhaldsskóla í húsgagnasmíði og húsasmíði hafa valið þetta í verkefni sín

og einnig skólarnir sjálfir.

Veritas Mælitæki með Kvarða

13.850 kr.
Frá Veritas Kanada - Nauðsynlegt verkfæri fyrir þá sem renna - Hægt að lesa mælinn að aftan svo að óþarfi er að halla hausnum í hvert skipti sem mæla þarf hlut.