Axminster Bandsög: Trade BS11

Original price was: 398.900 kr..Current price is: 359.010 kr..

Axminster gæða bandsög - 750W mótor (1hp)  - Mikið tork og langt beltalíf 

Ótrúlega vel byggð og stöðug vél enda 60 kg.  þó nett sé

Fínstillingar á löndum og stýringum gera námvæma smíði skemmtilegri.

Sjá nánar neðar

Axminster Workshop AW2606B Bandsaw

Original price was: 239.870 kr..Current price is: 215.883 kr..
  • Our largest Workshop bandsaw for the woodturner or serious home woodworker
  • Substantially made from steel and cast iron construction
  • Widely spaced table support trunnions, very smooth tilt action
  • Rigid, welded body construction allows high blade tension for increased accuracy
  • Upper and lower ceramic side and thrust blade guides, long life and better blade control
  • Large, rigid, quick locking rip fence, doors fitted with safety switches

Proxxon Borðbandsög: MBS 240/E

Original price was: 96.440 kr..Current price is: 77.152 kr..
Þessi er mögnuð! Sagar tré, málm, stein, gler, plast og allt mögulegt. Fer bara eftir því hvaða sagarblað er sett í hana hverju sinni. Sterkur 240V mótor - Hraðastillir: 120-250 snúninga.