Bowlsaver rennijárn
Rennipatrónusett M33 EVOLUTION
Rennipatrónusett SK114 1″x8tpi clubman
Key Features
- Manufactured entirely in Axminster, UK
- Square key for positive location and extra torque
- Stainless steel body for maximum corrosion resistance
- Direct threaded chuck body ensures concentricity
- CNC manufacturing for superb accuracy
- Includes C dovetail jaws, faceplate ring and screw chuck
- Compatible with all previous accessory and dovetail jaws
- Fitted with SafetyJaw accessory mounting jaws
- 114mm (4.5") diameter
Rennipatrónusett M33 100 EVO
Ný massíf rennipatróna frá Axminster sem byggir á 114 stærstu patrónnunni.
Kemur í setti m. kjöftum, hring or skrúfu 100mm, lykill ferkant me mikið átak og algjörlega víbringslaus patróna úr ryðfríu stáli. Framleidd algjörlega í Bretlandi og er 50 ára afmælisútgáfa hjá Axminster.
Taking the best features of our Axminster chuck designs over the past 35 years, we have, in our view, produced our best woodturning chuck ever.