Patrónukjaftar B á SK100

Original price was: 23.850 kr..Current price is: 20.273 kr..

Key Features

  • Potential gripping range: Internal 22mm to 45mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 57mm to 71mm
  • Recommended for SK100 and SK114 chucks
  • Drawing dimensions taken when jaws form true circle
  • Deep internal dovetail for longer spigots
  • Made exclusively by Axminster in Axminster
  • Made from stainless steel to protect against corrosion

Skálajárn 1/2″ Crown tool

Original price was: 23.480 kr..Current price is: 19.958 kr..
Milled from round bar. Every bowl gouge is finely turned for making the best of turned bowls, for heavy profile cuts or delicate feather cuts.

Made from M2 steel

Hefiljárn 1,25″ CT

Original price was: 22.980 kr..Current price is: 19.533 kr..
Oval section skews are easier to use and offer enhanced sensitivity and precise handling, they move easier on the tool rest and are less prone to ‘dig-ins’.

Axminster Vélastandur: Universal

Original price was: 21.606 kr..Current price is: 19.445 kr..
Flestar minni vélar passa á þennan stand. Borðstærð: 26.5*18.5cm - Hæð: 81 cm.

Arbortech Karbíðtennur: 3stk

Original price was: 20.660 kr..Current price is: 18.594 kr..
Skiptanlegar 3 stk. í Pro-skífu

Patrónukjaftar C f. Evolution

Original price was: 21.800 kr..Current price is: 18.530 kr..
  • Potential gripping range: Internal 52mm to 67mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 65mm to 80mm
  • Recommended for SK114 chuck

Patrónukjaftar A plús

Original price was: 21.650 kr..Current price is: 18.403 kr..

Key Features

  • Potential gripping range: Internal 72mm to 93mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 95mm to 116mm
  • Drawing dimensions taken when jaws form true circle
  • Excellent choice of jaws for big bowl turners
  • Made exclusively by Axminster in Axminster
  • Made from stainless steel to protect against corrosion

Rifjárn 1,25tomma CT

Original price was: 21.240 kr..Current price is: 18.054 kr..
These roughing gouges are used for taking the corners off uneven and square stock, leaving it round and ready for further turning. They will also make initial shaping cuts removing waste quickly and efficiently.


Original price was: 19.965 kr..Current price is: 17.969 kr..

Handborvél Nákvæm: 13mm

Original price was: 19.878 kr..Current price is: 17.890 kr..
Patróna: 13mm - stál gírar fyrir mjúka borun - jafnvel undir pressu.

Veritas Kompáss

Original price was: 19.860 kr..Current price is: 17.874 kr..
Frá Veritas Kanada - Góður í stærri radíus verkefni - Klemmist á við sem er 15-19mm þykkur.

Spindle gouge 25mm

Original price was: 20.890 kr..Current price is: 17.757 kr..

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.