Skálajárn 3/8″ M42

Original price was: 28.590 kr..Current price is: 24.302 kr..

The M42 HSS material takes these tools to new heights of performance - significantly improving the hardness and wear resistance characteristics with superb edge sharpness. The edge staying sharper for longer making the visits to the grinder less frequent.

  • Hardened to 65/67 HRC and triple tempered to give the optimum performance without becoming too brittle.
  • All come with a 45 degree fingernail grind and a secondary bevel to aid control and off-tool finish.
  • Sharpened and honed for you to use straight away.
  • Easily identified by the ergonomic ash handle fitted with a red powder coated brass ferrule. 
  • Made in Sheffield, England. 

Sogbarki 63mm x 4m

Original price was: 26.790 kr..Current price is: 24.111 kr..
  • Lengths of high quality wire reinforced 63mm hose
  • Rubber end cuffs to suit extraction outlets
  • Ideal for mobile workshop chip and dust extractors
  • Snug fit onto a 63-70mm diameter machine extraction port
  • Easy connections and re-connections between extractor and machines

Proxxon MICRO Compound Table: KT 70

Original price was: 29.860 kr..Current price is: 23.888 kr..
Frábært borð fyrir nákvæma borun. Snúningshöld sem má stilla upp á millimeter. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Spindiljárn 1″ CT

Original price was: 27.990 kr..Current price is: 23.792 kr..

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.  

Proxxon Módelfræsarasett: 50/E

Original price was: 29.650 kr..Current price is: 23.720 kr..
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Byrjendasett fyrir módelsmiði - Innihald: demantsfræsibiti - fínn miller - 0,5 og 1,0mm míkró bori - Messingbursti - 4 hágæða fræsibita í mismunandi formum - Sagarblað - 4 fræsihjól - 20 skerdiska - arbor - 6 kollettur í stærðum

Axminster Tifsagarstandur

Original price was: 25.860 kr..Current price is: 23.274 kr..
Passar á flestar tifsagir - Mjög stöðugur.

Hegner Niðurhaldari: M1

Original price was: 25.479 kr..Current price is: 22.931 kr..
Heldur niðri stykkinu á meðan þú vinnur - sérstaklega gott fyrir þá sem eiga erfitt með að halda við - minnkar titring - passar puttana. Passar á - Multicut-2S/MulticutSE/Multicut-Quick

Penna kjaftur á rennipatrónu

Original price was: 26.850 kr..Current price is: 22.823 kr..
  • Potential gripping range: Round 16mm to 44mm
  • Potential gripping range: Square 16mm to 41mm
  • Recommended for SK80, SK100 and SK114 chucks

MICROMOT 230/E fræsari

Original price was: 27.980 kr..Current price is: 22.384 kr..
Nýr nettur en öflugur föndurfræsari frá Proxxon í Þýskalandi. Léttur og þægilegur í hendi en aflið er gott í allskonar slípun, borun og graferí. Fyrsta vélin sem margir þurfa í silfursmíði, tréútskurð og ýmsa aðra sköpun.

Proxxon Fræsari: 240/E

Original price was: 26.650 kr..Current price is: 21.320 kr..
Langvinsælasti fræsarinn okkar! Er með hraða á milli 5.000-20.000 snúninga á mínútu. Kemur í sterkri plasttösku með 43 aukahlutum. Góður í alla slípun, borun, pússun, burstun, sögun og fleira.

Skálajárn 1/2″ finger

Original price was: 24.870 kr..Current price is: 21.140 kr..

The fingernail shape of this gouge increases flexibility allowing the turner to perform 'pull cuts' without catching the lathe bed. The greater cutting area can be used equally well for heavy profiling cuts or fine, delicate shearing cuts. Easily maintained using the Robert Sorby ProEdge sharpening system.

Gripkjaftur H axminster

Original price was: 24.800 kr..Current price is: 21.080 kr..

Key Features

  • Potential gripping range: Internal 51mm to 67mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 64mm to 82mm
  • Drawing dimensions taken when jaws form true circle
  • Provides excellent work holding for large diameter pieces
  • Serrated gripping surfaces for extra secure hold
  • Made exclusively by Axminster in Axminster
  • Made from stainless steel to protect against corrosion