Proxxon Sandslípivél: OZI 220/E

Original price was: 39.780 kr..Current price is: 31.824 kr..
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Lítill en öflug sandslípivél - Góður til að pússa á þröngum stöðum, horn, hliðar og aðra erfiða staði - 220-240V - 100W - Hraðastillir: 3.000-10.000rpm - Lengd: 23cm - Þyngd: 550gr - Hljóðlátur DC mótor - Kemur í sterkri plasttösk

Laguna Halogen Double Arm Light for 14|BX & 18|BX Bandsaws

Original price was: 39.542 kr..Current price is: 31.634 kr..

Key Features

  • Bright light provides clear illumination for detailed work
  • Secure hold ensures the light stays in place during use
  • Quick setup makes installation easy with 60 mm mounting holes
  • Pair with the Axminster magnetic mount for maximum flexibility

Póleringarvél AW150BB

Original price was: 34.500 kr..Current price is: 31.050 kr..
  • Sturdy polishing and buffing machine
  • Twin stitched 150mm mops mounted on long spindles
  • Heavy cast iron base for stability and smooth running

Soggræja ASA Proxxon

Original price was: 38.500 kr..Current price is: 30.800 kr..
Efficient filtration of dust, chips, vapours and smoke as well as pollen, bacteria, viruses, spores and odours. Fleece pre-filter for

Proxxon Borðsög: KS 230

Original price was: 37.890 kr..Current price is: 30.312 kr..
Lítil og nett borðsög - góð fyrir módelsmiði og handverksmenn sem þurfa gæði og nákvæmni. Fyrir fullkomna beina skurði í tré, mjúkmálma, plast og fleira.

Proxxon Fræsari-Angled: WB 220/E

Original price was: 37.620 kr..Current price is: 30.096 kr..
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - 100W - 220-240V - Hraðastillir: 3.000 - 15.000 snúninga - Lengd: 27cm - Þyngd: 550gr - Kollettur fylgja með í stærðum: 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 - 2.4 - 3.0 og 3.2mm - Öflugur DC mótor sem er hljóðlátur en öflugur.

Laguna 16-32 Sander In / Out Feed Foldin

Original price was: 33.016 kr..Current price is: 29.714 kr..

Key Features

  • Enhance versatility of Laguna 16-32 Drum Sander.
  • Provide superior support and stability for larger workpieces.
  • Ensure smooth and even sanding.
  • Foldable design saves workshop space.
  • Experience improved performance and convenience.
  • Quick and easy setup.

Proxxon Fræsari: IB/E

Original price was: 36.650 kr..Current price is: 29.320 kr..
Mjög nákvæmur fræsari með álmótorhlíf og hraðastilli(5.000-20.000). Ál mótorhlífin minnkar verulega hættuna á legu vandamálum og gefur mjúka og titringslausa nálgun. Kemur í sterkri plasttösku með mikið af aukahlutum.

Proxxon borstandur MB200

Original price was: 36.640 kr..Current price is: 29.312 kr..

Skálajárn 1/2″ M42

Original price was: 33.890 kr..Current price is: 28.807 kr..

The M42 HSS material takes these tools to new heights of performance - significantly improving the hardness and wear resistance characteristics with superb edge sharpness. The edge staying sharper for longer making the visits to the grinder less frequent.

  • Hardened to 65/67 HRC and triple tempered to give the optimum performance without becoming too brittle.
  • All come with a 45 degree fingernail grind and a secondary bevel to aid control and off-tool finish.
  • Sharpened and honed for you to use straight away.
  • Easily identified by the ergonomic ash handle fitted with a red powder coated brass ferrule. 
  • Made in Sheffield, England. 

Skálajárn 3/4″ Crown tool

Original price was: 33.460 kr..Current price is: 28.441 kr..
Milled from round bar. Every bowl gouge is finely turned for making the best of turned bowls, for heavy profile cuts or delicate feather cuts.

Framleitt úr M2 stálteini

Spindiljárn 1,25″ CT

Original price was: 32.990 kr..Current price is: 28.042 kr..

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.