Lím og formefni
Titebond Liquid Hide Glue Trélím: 237ml
Titebond Liquid Hide Glue Trélím: 118ml
Fíltefni m.lími Grænt 50x68cm
Límkítti Stix-All: 80ml – Glært
Límkítti Stix-All: 80ml – Hvítt
Titebond límpensill
Milliput Turquoise blue
- Modelmaking
- Sculpting
- Myndaramma og styttur
- Skartgripagerð s.s. perlur
- Litlar fígúrur eða leikföng
- Quarry tiles internally and externally
- Underwater applications
Milliput is a versatile manipulative two part epoxy putty which when mixed together sets rock hard. When first mixed, the putty is pliable and easily shaped. By wetting the Milliput with a finely woven moist cloth a very smooth finish can be easily obtained.