Leirrennibekkur RK3T SHimpo

Original price was: 398.000 kr..Current price is: 358.200 kr..

The Shimpo RK3T Whisper represents the next generation of potter's wheels. Responsive and powerful, offering high torque at all speeds. With an operating volume of only 30 decibels the Whisper wheel is by far the quietest on the market.

Rohde MCC Aukahringur

Original price was: 318.591 kr..Current price is: 286.732 kr..
Passar á Rohde MCC TE100MCC 100 lítra leirofn - Aukahringurinn stækkar pottinn í 150 lítra - Hringurinn sést neðst á potti á mynd.

Mósaíktöng: Zagg-Zagg

Original price was: 18.955 kr..Current price is: 17.060 kr..
Frábær glertöng í mósaíkgerðina - Sterkir hnífar - Þægilegt grip og poki sem grípur brotin.

Mósaíktöng Zagg 703.5

Original price was: 12.850 kr..Current price is: 11.565 kr..

Hleypitöng í Gler: Ringstar 120

Original price was: 6.965 kr..Current price is: 6.269 kr..
Ringstar glertöng frá TGK. Góð til að klippa sundur gler - með gormi

SpectrumGler Stór 60*60cm-Gult

Original price was: 9.750 kr..Current price is: 5.850 kr..

SpectrumGler Stór 60*60cm-Ljósgrænt

Original price was: 9.750 kr..Current price is: 5.850 kr..

SpectrumGler Stór 60*60cm-Ljósblátt

Original price was: 9.750 kr..Current price is: 5.850 kr..

SpectrumGler Stór 60*60cm-Brúnt

Original price was: 9.750 kr..Current price is: 5.850 kr..

SpectrumGler Stór 60*60cm-Grænt

Original price was: 9.750 kr..Current price is: 5.850 kr..

SpectrumGler Stór 60*60cm-Blátt

Original price was: 9.750 kr..Current price is: 5.850 kr..

SpectrumGler Stór 60*60cm-Rautt

Original price was: 9.750 kr..Current price is: 5.850 kr..