Showing 469–480 of 777 results

Silfurhringir: 5mm – 50stk.

Original price was: 3.665 kr..Current price is: 2.932 kr..
Sterling silfur - Ytra ummál: 6,6mm - Innra ummál: 5,0mm - Þykkt: 0,812mm

Koparvír 3 mm 0,5-meter

Original price was: 3.250 kr..Current price is: 2.925 kr..

Sandpappírshausar: Keilulaga 10stk.

Original price was: 3.650 kr..Current price is: 2.920 kr..
Spare sanding drums (.35″ diameter x 5″)

Leppalúði 120gr f WAS/E and WAS/A 2stk.

Original price was: 3.850 kr..Current price is: 2.888 kr..

Slípihjól 120 grid fyrir Proxxon slípivélar WAS/A og WAS/E  2 stk. pakkning
For cleaning, grinding and stock removal on flat surfaces. Flapwheels of standard corundum are elastic and adapt to the contours of the work piece. For reaching also hard-to-access areas. Ø 50mm, width 30mm.

Leppalúði 240gr f WAS/E and WAS/A 2stk.

Original price was: 3.850 kr..Current price is: 2.888 kr..

Slípihjól 240 grid fyrir Proxxon slípivélar WAS/A og WAS/E  2 stk. pakkning
For cleaning, grinding and stock removal on flat surfaces. Flapwheels of standard corundum are elastic and adapt to the contours of the work piece. For reaching also hard-to-access areas. Ø 50mm, width 30mm.

Flókaleppur 120gr f WAS/E and WAS/A 2stk.

Original price was: 3.850 kr..Current price is: 2.888 kr..

Satin-finishing cylinder (fleece) for cylinder sanders WAS/E and WAS/A  - Medium gróft 2 stk. pakkning
For cleaning, matting and satin-finishing of metal, non-ferrous metal and especially stainless steel. Ø 50mm, width 30mm.

Insta-Cure Gel: 28,4gr

Original price was: 3.390 kr..Current price is: 2.882 kr..
BSI IC-GEL Þornunartími er 10-25 sekúndur.

Silfurhringir: 4mm – 100stk.

Original price was: 3.596 kr..Current price is: 2.877 kr..
Sterling silfur - Ytra ummál: 5,2mm - Innra ummál: 4,0mm - Þykkt: 0,644mm

Nálar tríhyrnt nr.3

Original price was: 3.384 kr..Current price is: 2.876 kr..

These needles can be driven through the leather without having to pierce the sewing holes with an awl or chisel first. Simply mark where the sewing holes will be with a space maker to ensure a uniform stitch.

Kopar Pinsetta: 215 mm

Original price was: 3.360 kr..Current price is: 2.856 kr..
Kopar Pinsetta - Notuð til að taka upp hluti úr sýru eða hreinsivökvum - Lengd: 215mm

Chrysocolla Rosecut 12,312,5mm

Original price was: 3.150 kr..Current price is: 2.835 kr..

Eyrnalokkar Hook – Silfur: 44*17,5mm – 10stk

Original price was: 3.537 kr..Current price is: 2.830 kr..
925 Sterling silfur - Hangandi - Lengd: 44mm - Breidd: 17,5mm - Þykkt: 0,8mm - Gat: 1,5mm - Magn: 10stk.