Showing 25–36 of 778 results

Proxxon Míkró Borðfræsari: FF 230

326.200 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Haus snýst 360° - 140W - 220-240V - Spindlahraði: 280, 550, 870, 1200, 1500 og 2000 snúninga - Hámarkshæð: 180mm - Hámarksdýpt: 130mm - Þyngd: 17kg.

Durston vals 130mm

268.863 kr.
m.hliðarhjóli hálfkúpt

Durston Pólervél: Einföld

268.644 kr.

Frá Durston Englandi - Stærð: 500*340*300mm - Afl: 0,37Kw - Þyngd: 24kg - Hraðastillir: 2.800-3.450rpm - Vifta sem safnar ryki og rusli - 8W Ljós - Sjá nánar neðar og á mynd(#1412).

Polishing Machines – Single Euro Style from Durston Tools. The Single-Sided Euro Style Polishing Machine from Durston Tools benefits from integrated dust collectors as well as the cool polishing functionality. Unlike many systems today, these machines are specifically designed to have silent and powerful suction fans that are also vibration free. The fans are enclosed in specially sealed units for maximum performance. Fluorescent lighting is included on all models, and they are built from 1.5mm steel sheet rather than 1mm steel to create a more sturdy and robust construction and extend the life of your polisher.

Proxxon Bor/Fræsari: PF 230

252.450 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Auakhlutur á Proxxon Málrennibekk PD230/E(24004) - Breytir bekknum í alhliða málmvinnsluvél - 140W - 220-240V - 56-60Hz - Spindlahraði: 280, 550, 870, 1200, 1500 og 2200 snúninga - Þrjár kollettur fylgja: 6-8 og 10mm.

Loftpressa olíulaus 24Lítra

238.001 kr.

mjög hljóðlát og olíulaus loftpressa með 24Lítra tanki

Bambi has utilised over 40 years of manufacturing experience in the air compressor industry to bring you the ultra quiet, oil free PT range.

With 100% oil free operation and ultra low noise levels, from only 52 dB(A), the PT range delivers a low maintenance solution for ultra-quiet oil free compressed air applications. Bambi PT compressors are available in a choice of receiver and pump formats, allowing you to select one that is perfect for your needs.

Durston vals mini C100 E

232.592 kr.
100mm hjól, slétt 70mm og 30mm víra
með hliðarvals f. hálfkúptan vír.

  • ‘C100’ Combination Rolling Mill
  • ‘E’ Side Extension with 4 Half Round Grooves (4-1.5mm)
  • 9 Wire Rolling Grooves 6.5mm to 1mm
  • Maximum Sheet Thickness of 5mm
  • Maximum Wire Capacity 6.5mm
  • Roll Diameter 45mm
  • Roll Width 100mm (70mm / 30mm)
  • Direct Drive

Foredom dust cyclone

221.340 kr.
m. safnhólfi málma

Durston vals 80mm m.vírvalsi

216.390 kr.

Mini Rolling Mill – Mini C80E rolling mill from Durston Tools. The Mini C80E rolling mill has side extensions and has been manufactured in a one-piece cast iron construction for optimal strength and rigidity. The side extension rollers come with four half rounds.

Durston Klippur: 300mm

215.399 kr.
Frá Durston Englandi - Klippir mjúkmálma upp í 300mm breidd og 4mm þykkt og milt stál upp að 2,5mm þykkt. Hægt er að snúa blaðinu fjórum sinnum áður en þarf að brýna, þannig er hægt að láta tækið endast ævina. Opið bak gefur möguleika á löngum plötum.

GRS grafkúla Standard 9,5kg

209.697 kr.

This vise is an economical choice that fills the need of many engravers and craftsmen. With a double-ball bearing system for smooth rotation without wear or looseness, the Standard Block combines outstanding quality with value for workholding.

Loftpressa olíulaus 5Lítra

189.500 kr.

Mjög hljóðlát og olíulaus loftpressa

Bambi has utilised over 40 years of manufacturing experience in the air compressor industry to bring you the ultra quiet, oil free PT range.

With 100% oil free operation and ultra low noise levels, from only 52 dB(A), the PT range delivers a low maintenance solution for ultra-quiet oil free compressed air applications. Bambi PT compressors are available in a choice of receiver and pump formats, allowing you to select one that is perfect for your needs.