Showing 13–24 of 628 results

GRS Gravermach AT230

Original price was: 490.376 kr..Current price is: 416.820 kr..

GRS GraverMax G8

Original price was: 486.490 kr..Current price is: 413.517 kr..

This engraving system gives each handpiece excellent range of power with perfect control throughout an expanded range of impact speeds.The GraverMax G8 features 400-8000 strokes per minute, a throttle bias adjustment valve for tailoring throttle response, and a dual-stage precision air regulator.

Elma Steam 4.5 basic. – Gufuvél

Original price was: 398.052 kr..Current price is: 358.247 kr..
  • Features

  • 4.5 bar steam pressure with long steam availability due to strong heating power
  • Available with fixed nozzle or flexible hand piece (with 1.3 m hose)
  • Easy filling with water:
    - Manually via the integrated filling funnel
    - Automatically with devices with integrated pump (optionally)
  • Indirect heating with short heating time (ca. 30 min. / max. filling volume)
  • Robust and long-lasting pressure tank made of special material
  • High user safety (confirmed by TÜV type test acc. to DIN EN 61010-1)

GRS brýnsluvél Graverhone VS apex

Original price was: 425.894 kr..Current price is: 340.715 kr..

Meet the next generation sharpening system from GRS Tools. This complete package contains the high-torque, variable speed GraverHone VS and the 4-in-1 Apex Sharpening System. This combination of products is the ultimate in sharpening efficiency. The speed range of the GraverHone together with the user-friendliness of the Apex system make this the perfect setup for everyone from novice to expert.

Durston Tvöfaldur Vals: 130mm

Original price was: 398.500 kr..Current price is: 338.725 kr..
Frá Durston í Bretlandi - Á tveimur hæðum - Valsar 7mm þykkt og 130mm breitt - Þyngd: 70kg - Hentar vel í skóla og vegleg verkstæði - Hefur tvö sett af rúllum - Önnur fyrir plötur og hin fyrir víra.

Verkfærasett Silfursmíði Stóri m.öllu

Original price was: 364.500 kr..Current price is: 328.050 kr..

Öll helstu verkfæri sem þarf til að setja upp silfursmíðaaðstöðu

Fleiri aukaverkfæri og vélar eru þó í boði, alltaf má á sig blómum bæta  :) 

Durston vals 130mm slé+vír

Original price was: 376.500 kr..Current price is: 320.025 kr..
  • ‘C130’ Combination Rolling Mill
  • ‘R’ 5-to-1 Reduction Gearbox
  • ‘E’ Side Extension with 4 Half Round Grooves (4 to 1.5mm)
  • 11 Square Wire Rolling Grooves (Main Roll)
  • Roll Diameter 60mm
  • Roll Width 130mm ( 75mm / 55mm)
  • 50mmvír 2-10mm-80mm slétt

Durston Pólervél: Tvöföld

Original price was: 341.335 kr..Current price is: 307.202 kr..

Frá Durston Englandi - Stærð: 700*350*300mm - Afl: 0,37Kw - Þyngd: 31kg - Hraðastillir: 2.800-3.450rpm - Vifta sem safnar ryki og rusli - 8W Ljós - Sjá nánar neðar og á mynd(#1414).

Polishing Machines – Double Euro Style from Durston Tools. The Double-Sided Euro Style Polishing Machine from Durston Tools benefits from integrated dust collectors as well as the cool polishing functionality. Unlike many systems today, these machines are specifically designed to have silent and powerful suction fans that are also vibration free. The fans are enclosed in specially sealed units for maximum performance. Fluorescent lighting is included on all models. All models have built from 1.5mm steel sheet instead of 1mm steel to create a more sturdy and robust construction and extend the life of your polisher.

GRS Graversmith NÝR

Original price was: 360.914 kr..Current price is: 306.777 kr..

For decades, artisans, luxury stone setters and production setters have relied on the GraverMax®. This workhorse provides a significant increase in power while maintaining the delicate startup essential for precision cutting.

Proxxon Málmrennibekkur: PD 250/E

Original price was: 334.900 kr..Current price is: 301.410 kr..
Proxxon Málmrennibekkur - Fjarlægð milli miðja: 250mm - Sving: 140mm - Sex hraðar: 100-3000rpm - Mótor: 150W - Þvermál patrónu: 70mm - Þyngd: 12kg.

GRS Graversmith

Original price was: 340.084 kr..Current price is: 289.071 kr..

Þetta er óýrasta og einfaldasta útgáfan af gæða grafvélum frá GRS.  Hentar vel bæði í málmgröft og steinaísettningar.  ATh. hnífar og handfang er ekki innifalið í þessu verði.

This new power tool offers basic work capability and pneumatic impact power for stone setting and engraving. It is ideal for production stone setters, multiple factory installations, and individual craftsmen on a budget.

• Ready for both hobby and repetitive production line use
• Designed to be ultra-durable for many work environments
• Compatible with time-saving hand and foot control switching (not included)

Proxxon Míkró Borðfræsari: FF 230

Original price was: 326.200 kr..Current price is: 260.960 kr..
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Haus snýst 360° - 140W - 220-240V - Spindlahraði: 280, 550, 870, 1200, 1500 og 2000 snúninga - Hámarkshæð: 180mm - Hámarksdýpt: 130mm - Þyngd: 17kg.