Showing 157–168 of 777 results

Penna Borskrúfstykki

Original price was: 18.971 kr..Current price is: 16.125 kr..
Boraðu penna með nákvæmni - Kjaftar opnast mest 33mm.

Höggsett í viðarboxi 3-16mm

Original price was: 18.900 kr..Current price is: 16.065 kr..

Úthöggsett er aðallega til að slá út diska úr málmi, kringlóttan skurð.

Stærðir í settinu eru frá 3-16mm og hugsað uppí þykkt á málmi s.s. silfri uppí 0,3 - 1,0mm

Vinnuljós LED m.borðfestingu

Original price was: 19.800 kr..Current price is: 15.840 kr..

LED Goose Neck Lamp (Dim & CCT) White EU Plug from Durston Tools. The White Goose Neck Dimmable Colour Change Jeweller’s Lamp offers three different light colours. 32 leds provide seven watts of light and there’s no heat emission to make your work area uncomfortable. Three levels of dimming provide light from a warm 3000K non-glare which is soft to the eye to a 5000K bright light and the light is both shadow and flicker-free to minimise fatigue and eye strain. The energy saving design includes an eye care cover for your comfort and a flexible extended neck that can twist 360.

Tromlubelgur: 1,5kg.

Original price was: 17.600 kr..Current price is: 15.840 kr..
3 punda belgur

Vaxblokk blá

Original price was: 16.890 kr..Current price is: 15.201 kr..

Made by Ferris®, this blue wax block is ideal for machining in CNC mills (and fits the large fixture of the Roland mill). Its hardness and higher melt temperature make this block ideal for carving with high-speed equipment—machine it, shape it, slice it with great detail and accuracy. Each block is manufactured to precise specifications to ensure dependable, professional-quality results. Blue Ferris® wax is bendable and is especially well-suited to items needing flexibility (a 1/8" piece can bend up to 90°).

The industry standard for detailed carving waxes, Ferris® waxes are easily turned on a lathe and burn out cleanly from flasks. Low ash content makes these waxes perfect for investment casting and lost wax patterns.

Skíðmál 150mm digital Limit

Original price was: 17.850 kr..Current price is: 15.173 kr..

Skíðmál (skífmál)

Digital Vernier calipers. Triple reading: in mm / inch in decimals / inch in fractions. Made of stainless steel. Automatic shut-off. 4-function. DIN 862.Battery type SR44, included.

Bræðsluskál “Salamander”: 109*95*61mm

Original price was: 16.850 kr..Current price is: 15.165 kr..
Hæð: 109mm og tekur 2-2,3kg.

Slaglóðspastasett með dælu

Original price was: 16.750 kr..Current price is: 15.075 kr..
Sprautupumpa og slagslóðspasta. Mjög þægilegt er að sprauta nákvæmlega úr slaglóðsprautunni með pumpunni. Pumpan er fjölnota og því eingöngu skipt um sprautur þegar hún tæmist.

Demantssagarblað MK303: 6″

Original price was: 16.184 kr..Current price is: 14.566 kr..
Lortone MK303 hágæða demantsblað í steinasögun - Gefur mjúkan skurð og er notað á sjaldgæfa og verðmæta steina og efni - Þvermál: 6" eða 15cm - Gat: 12cm

Durston Hringakeila Hert: 5-20mm

Original price was: 16.985 kr..Current price is: 14.437 kr..
Durston # C - Þyngd: 0,6kg - Kringlótt - Lengd: 365mm - Frá Durston í UK - Stærð: 5-20mm - Hert að 64 RC - Þriðja frá vinstri á mynd.

Skíðmál 150mm digital GemRed

Original price was: 16.950 kr..Current price is: 14.408 kr..
  • Robust stainless steel construction
  • High precision digital readout
  • Imperial or metric display at the touch of a button

Durston Hringakeila Hert: 10-28mm

Original price was: 16.900 kr..Current price is: 14.365 kr..
Durston # A - Þyngd: 1,3kg - Kringlótt - Lengd: 410mm - Frá Durston í UK - Stærð: 10-28mm - Hert að 64 RC - Lengst til vinstri á mynd.