Silfurvír 2,5mm soft 10cm

2.350 kr.

Þykkt: 2,5 mm

Lengd: 10cm

Vírinn er kringlóttur

Sterling silfur (935) sem er hefðbundið silfur til að smíða úr og sama og gullsmiðir smíða úr skartgripi.  Einnig notað í ýmsa muni og matarkrúsir, skeiðar ofl. 

Silfurplata 0,4mm 10x150mm

2.340 kr.

Þykkt: 0,4mm

Lengd: 150mm

breidd: 10mm

Silfurplata 0,5mm soft

2.078 kr.

Þykkt: 0,5mm

Lengd: 150mm

breidd: 10mm

Silfurvír hálfk.4mm 1/2hart 10cm

2.077 kr.

Þykkt: 4,0 mm

Lengd: 10cm

Vírinn er flatur öðru megin og kúptur hinu megin.

Sterling silfur (935) sem er hefðbundið silfur til að smíða úr og sama og gullsmiðir smíða úr skartgripi.  Einnig notað í ýmsa muni og matarkrúsir, skeiðar ofl. 

Smellur messing 12,5mm 10stk

1.995 kr.

Auto baby push buttons are stronger in both appearance and function than the regular push buttons.

Auto baby snaps are available in size 12.5 mm.


Installation of Auto baby push buttons

When Auto baby push buttons are to be installed, you can either use a swing machine, a manual pressing machine or a hand stamp.

Swing machine/manual press:

If you use a swing machine or a manual pressing machine, you must use the set of tools suitable for Auto baby push button size 12.5 mm

Hand stamp:

If you use a hand stamp, you must use the hand stamp that fits the Auto baby push button size 12.5 mm

Smellur messingl 14mm 10stk

1.976 kr.

Installation of push buttons

When press studs are to be installed, you can either use a swing machine, a manual pressing machine or a hand stamp.

Swing machine/manual press:

If you use a turning machine or a manual pressing machine, you must use a set of tools that fits exactly the size of the push button you need to install.

Hand Stamps:

If you use hand stamps, there are two different sets. A set that fits both size 10.5 and 12.5 mm and a set that fits both size 14 and 15.5 mm.

Smellur messing 15,5mm 10stk

1.976 kr.

Auto push buttons are stronger in both expression and function than the regular push buttons.

Auto push buttons are available in size 15.5 mm.

Installation of Auto push buttons

When Auto push buttons are to be installed, you can either use a swing machine, a manual pressing machine or a hand stamp.

Swing machine/manual press:

If you use a turning machine or a manual pressing machine, you must use the set of tools suitable for Auto push button size 15.5 mm.

Hand stamp:

If you use a hand stamp, you must use the hand stamp that fits Auto push button size 15.5 mm.

Silfurvír hálfk.3mm 1/2hart 10cm

1.670 kr.

Þykkt: 3,0 mm

Lengd: 10cm

Vírinn er flatur öðru megin og kúptur hinu megin.

Sterling silfur (935) sem er hefðbundið silfur til að smíða úr og sama og gullsmiðir smíða úr skartgripi.  Einnig notað í ýmsa muni og matarkrúsir, skeiðar ofl. 

Álplata A4 1,0mm p.plata

1.650 kr.

Álplata í A4 stærð (ca 220*330mm).

Mjúkt efni í allskonar smíðar, auðvelt að klippa og saga.

perluvír 1,5mm 20cm

1.580 kr.

Silfurvír í perluformi (sterling 925) og perlurnar eru 1,5mm

Intended for decorative frames and accent work, this dead-soft, sterling silver full-bead wire offers a rugged beaded appearance and is able to withstand more metal forming tasks. The rugged look is created by the beads themselves varying from fully rounded to slightly flattened or somewhat squared-off. The slenderness of the wire between beads makes this wire suitable only for applications that do not subject the wire to ongoing stress; we suggest annealing this bead wire frequently. Dead soft wire is easy to bend, shape and hammer; it is an ideal starting point for forming, shaping and wire-wrapping. Keep in mind that hardness is changeable (by annealing or heat-hardening) and is relative among metal types (each temper will feel and handle differently from one metal to another). When finishing your pieces, also keep in mind that the harder the metal is, the brighter a finish it will take.