GRS loftverkfæri og brýnsla
GRS Gravermach NÝI
GRS GraverMax G8
GRS GraverMax NÝR
GRS brýnsluvél Graverhone VS apex
Meet the next generation sharpening system from GRS Tools. This complete package contains the high-torque, variable speed GraverHone VS and the 4-in-1 Apex Sharpening System. This combination of products is the ultimate in sharpening efficiency. The speed range of the GraverHone together with the user-friendliness of the Apex system make this the perfect setup for everyone from novice to expert.
GRS Graversmith NÝR
GRS Graversmith
Þetta er óýrasta og einfaldasta útgáfan af gæða grafvélum frá GRS. Hentar vel bæði í málmgröft og steinaísettningar. ATh. hnífar og handfang er ekki innifalið í þessu verði.
This new power tool offers basic work capability and pneumatic impact power for stone setting and engraving. It is ideal for production stone setters, multiple factory installations, and individual craftsmen on a budget.
• Ready for both hobby and repetitive production line use
• Designed to be ultra-durable for many work environments
• Compatible with time-saving hand and foot control switching (not included)
Loftpressa olíulaus 24Lítra
mjög hljóðlát og olíulaus loftpressa með 24Lítra tanki
Bambi has utilised over 40 years of manufacturing experience in the air compressor industry to bring you the ultra quiet, oil free PT range.
With 100% oil free operation and ultra low noise levels, from only 52 dB(A), the PT range delivers a low maintenance solution for ultra-quiet oil free compressed air applications. Bambi PT compressors are available in a choice of receiver and pump formats, allowing you to select one that is perfect for your needs.
Loftpressa olíulaus 5Lítra
Mjög hljóðlát og olíulaus loftpressa
Bambi has utilised over 40 years of manufacturing experience in the air compressor industry to bring you the ultra quiet, oil free PT range.
With 100% oil free operation and ultra low noise levels, from only 52 dB(A), the PT range delivers a low maintenance solution for ultra-quiet oil free compressed air applications. Bambi PT compressors are available in a choice of receiver and pump formats, allowing you to select one that is perfect for your needs.
Loftpressa Bambi hljóðlát 15Lítra
Hljóðlátar og nettar loftpressur
The Budget Range has been developed for those users where ultra low noise and relatively small flow of air is required. With sound levels from just 40 dB(A) and almost no vibration when running, Bambi Budget Compressors can be located in the work area without causing any noise intrusion.
GRS handfang QC 901
Get breakthrough impact technology with fine control and a huge range of power. The comfortable, compact shape has an adjustable side hose connection. It fits most engraving and stone setting needs, including micro engraving, deep relief work, and bead raising/hammer setting. Made from fully heat-treated stainless steel.