Showing 97–108 of 3085 results

Þykktarpússvjel PROFESSIONAL AP406DS

437.500 kr.
  • Open sided configuration with sanding capacity up to 812mm
  • Variable feed speeds, sanding thickness 3mm to 127mm
  • Floor stand included

Bandsög AP1854BV professional

436.952 kr.
  • Professional benchtop bandsaw, high quality construction, extremely versatile
  • Inverter motor drive gives a wide blade speed, can cut metals with a suitable blade
  • Multi V-belt drive with two ratios give high torque and long belt life

GRS GraverMax NÝR

436.949 kr.

For decades, artisans, luxury stone setters and production setters have relied on the GraverMax®. This workhorse provides a significant increase in power while maintaining the delicate startup essential for precision cutting.

GRS brýnsluvél Graverhone VS apex

425.894 kr.

Meet the next generation sharpening system from GRS Tools. This complete package contains the high-torque, variable speed GraverHone VS and the 4-in-1 Apex Sharpening System. This combination of products is the ultimate in sharpening efficiency. The speed range of the GraverHone together with the user-friendliness of the Apex system make this the perfect setup for everyone from novice to expert.

Axminster Bandsög: Trade BS11

398.900 kr.

Axminster gæða bandsög - 750W mótor (1hp)  - Mikið tork og langt beltalíf 

Ótrúlega vel byggð og stöðug vél enda 60 kg.  þó nett sé

Fínstillingar á löndum og stýringum gera námvæma smíði skemmtilegri.

Sjá nánar neðar

Bandsög Pro AP2552B

398.500 kr.
  • Max depth of cut 200mm, max width of cut 340mm
  • Extra large cast iron table, precision ground surface
  • Smooth running, vibration-free balanced cast alloy blade wheels

Durston Tvöfaldur Vals: 130mm

398.500 kr.
Frá Durston í Bretlandi - Á tveimur hæðum - Valsar 7mm þykkt og 130mm breitt - Þyngd: 70kg - Hentar vel í skóla og vegleg verkstæði - Hefur tvö sett af rúllum - Önnur fyrir plötur og hin fyrir víra.

Elma Steam 4.5 basic. – Gufuvél

398.052 kr.
  • Features

  • 4.5 bar steam pressure with long steam availability due to strong heating power
  • Available with fixed nozzle or flexible hand piece (with 1.3 m hose)
  • Easy filling with water:
    - Manually via the integrated filling funnel
    - Automatically with devices with integrated pump (optionally)
  • Indirect heating with short heating time (ca. 30 min. / max. filling volume)
  • Robust and long-lasting pressure tank made of special material
  • High user safety (confirmed by TÜV type test acc. to DIN EN 61010-1)

Leirrennibekkur RK3T SHimpo

398.000 kr.

The Shimpo RK3T Whisper represents the next generation of potter's wheels. Responsive and powerful, offering high torque at all speeds. With an operating volume of only 30 decibels the Whisper wheel is by far the quietest on the market.

Rennibekkur AP350WL Professional

396.500 kr.

Key Features

  • Versatile, magnetic control box can be positioned on the lathe where required
  • LED spindle speed read-out in rpm for great control
  • Forward and reverse capability, perfect for final sanding
  • M33 x 3.5mm (ASR) Safety spindle
  • Supplied with Axminster manufactured drive and revolving tailstock centres
  • Distance between centres 400mm (15.3/4")
  • Heavy cast iron construction gives strength and low vibration
  • Inverter drive controls the motor speed and torque
  • 24 division spindle indexing

Lortone Steinasög: 14″

396.000 kr.
Hægt er að saga um 15 cm þykkan stein í þessari vél sem er með 14 tommu stóru öflugu demantsblaði.

Sjobergs SB119 Professional Workbench

395.800 kr.
Massívír bekkur sem þolir mikið álag
Mjög stöðugur og frábærar klemmur/þvingur

Hægt að fá með skáp nr. SM05 (vara nr. s33818)

  • A joy to own and to work on
  • Sturdy support for any woodworking project
  • Large worktop in selected European beech
  • Double row of round bench dog holes
  • Front vice and full tail vice
  • Designed and built in Sweden
  • Supplied with set of bench dogs