Showing 1057–1068 of 3101 results

Crown Cryo Rennijárn: 1/4″ – Hringskafa

12.423 kr.
Crown Cryo Hringskafa - Stærð: 1/4" - Gott járn til að framleiða perlur hratt - Handfang: Rósatré - HSS járn.

Axcaliber Hjólsagarblaðasett: 205mm – 3stk

12.423 kr.
Sett af Axcaliber hjólsagarblöðum - Stærð: 205mm -32 tanna fyrir almenna notkun - 48 tanna Þverskera(Crosscut) - 64 tanna Extra fínt - 2,2mm kerf - 30mm miðjugat.

Tormek Skæra Brýnsla: SVX-150

12.390 kr.
Frá Tormek í Svíþjóð - Fyrir allar stærðir af skærum og flestar garðklippur - Tvær klemmur halda skærunum örugglega.

Axcaliber Bandsagarblað: 134″ – 3Tpi

12.353 kr.
Axcaliber - Lengd: 134" eða 3,405mm - Gouge: 0,032 - 3 tennur á tommu.

Skafa Þverend 3/4″ CT

12.340 kr.

Perfect for use in flat-bottomed or convex shapes, such as the outside of a bowl, or can be converted to users own special grinds.

Skafa rúnnuð 3/4″ CT

12.280 kr.
Wood turning essentially boils down to 2 types: turning between the centers in which we can make pens, spindles, legs and poles and turning on the headstock where we can do bowls, boxes, burls and platters. Thus, the choice of turning chisels will vary depending on the type you would like to do.

Bútjárn 1/8″ CT

12.260 kr.
The parting tools listed are the traditional type and are used to part off a project from waste section, and can be used for making depth references along a spindle.

The beading & parting tools can perform all of the standard parting tool tasks, there  square section steel make them very rigid and ideally suited for producing beads and spigots.

Axminster Vinkill – 3/1: 150mm

12.223 kr.
Frá Axminster Bretlandi - Vinkill með þrem mismunandi aðgerðum. Sjá nánar neðar.

Japansk BLAÐ í Ripsög

12.200 kr.

Key Features

  • Replacement or spare Japanese saw blade
  • 0.3mm thick with fine pitch crosscutting teeth
  • Easy change, single screw fixing

Rennijárn Ská Skafa: 19mm

12.197 kr.
Crown Cryo járn fyrir betri endingu. Skefti úr svörtum aski með silfur millistykki. Járn með gott jafnvægi.

Trévinkill UJK f. gataplötuborð

12.158 kr.

Key Features

  • Truly useful accessory for a multifunction table
  • Use to hold parts at exact right angles
  • Thick HDF Valchromat, durable and stable
  • CNC machining guarantees accuracy
  • 360mm long legs at 90°
  • Forms a reference for a fast, accurate setup for mitre cuts with guide rail

Gullslaglóðsvír Medium x 1gramm

12.115 kr.

Au585 Gult slaglóðsvír 1mm

 Medium-750 gráður