Olía Lituð-Kastaníu 1L
Famag Dósabor: 35mm
Famag Auger – Langur Slöngubor: 16mm
Silfurvír 2,0mm soft 1meter
Helle Hnífsblað: Lappland
Flexcut sett í útsk.vjel 4stk
Flexcut sett í útsk.vjel 4stk
Fjögur grunnjárn sem bæði má nota beint í útskurðarvélina okkar (Proxxon MSG nr. 28644) og einnig beint í handfangið frá Flexcut nr. RG102)
Our Roughing Power Gouges are for removing larger amounts of waste wood. Can be used by hand with our RG102 Handle Adaptor.
Power Gouges included: RG400 #3 x 5/8", RG401 #5 x 9/16", RG402 #8 x 3/8", RG403 70 deg. x 3/8".
Veritas skrúfþvinga
Proxxon Spennubreytir: NG 2/E
Tormek f Skrúbb & hefiljárn
Leðurkantskerasett 5A Osborne
This edge bevel set consists of a wooden handle and four interchangeable bevels in sizes 1 to 4. This set is the perfect solution if you want your leather projects to have beautiful edges. To use the edge bevel, simply run it down the leather with light pressure applied and let it do the work. In this way, you get the most beautiful results with straight and neat edges, which you can choose to enhance with leather colour.