Showing 85–96 of 3101 results

Leirrennibekkur RK3E-vl Shimpo

Original price was: 495.851 kr..Current price is: 446.266 kr..

The Shimpo RK3E VL Whisper represents the next generation of potter's wheels and is the flagship of the Shimpo range. Responsive and powerful, offering high torque at all speeds. With an operating volume of only 30 decibels this wheel is by far the quietest on the market.

Shimpo rennibekkur RK3E

Original price was: 495.800 kr..Current price is: 446.220 kr..


The superior technology of Shimpo’s RK-Whisper potter’s wheel and the popular features of Shimpo’s Velocity V75 potter’s wheel have been combined to create the second model in Shimpo’s Whisper series potter’s wheels: the VL-Whisper.

A powerful wheel with adjustable legs that can be used as a table top wheel

Rohde Leirennibekkur: HMT500

Original price was: 494.813 kr..Current price is: 445.332 kr..

Þessi er nýr og tekur við af HMT500 bekknum - Öflugur og hljóðlátur rennibekkur fyrir fagfólk - Þýsku Rohde verksmiðjurnar eru þekktar fyrir góða ofna og rennibekki. 370 wött - 0-250 snúningar á mínútu - 340mm diskur - Þyngd:  54kg

Sæti og borð með bekknum eru aukahlutir og hægt að bæta við.

Borðsög AP254SB Professional

Original price was: 490.487 kr..Current price is: 441.438 kr..
  • Large capacity, super strong, built for daily use
  • 2.5kW 1ph quiet and powerful induction motor
  • Includes rear take off table and cast iron R/H extension

GRS smásjá Meiji Emz-5

Original price was: 516.445 kr..Current price is: 438.978 kr..

Imagine no eye strain. Hour after hour, eyes stay fresh and sharp. Includes stereo zoom microscope body, focus block needed for original stand, and 0.5 objective lens. Other magnifications and working distances available. Magnification Range: 3.5 to 22.5×, resp. 7 to 45× Working distance: 148 mm.

Hefilbekkur fjórfaldur m.tréfótum

Original price was: 487.000 kr..Current price is: 438.300 kr..

Gegnheilt birki, olíuborið og ofnþurrkað í réttar aðstæður fyrir smíðastofur.


oil surface finishing, solid beech wood, tool well at rear, workbench for 4 persons

16x small square bench dogs, 4x front/side spindle small, 4x spindle keys

GRS GraverMax NÝR

Original price was: 514.058 kr..Current price is: 436.949 kr..

For decades, artisans, luxury stone setters and production setters have relied on the GraverMax®. This workhorse provides a significant increase in power while maintaining the delicate startup essential for precision cutting.

Þykktarhefill AW2260S Workshop

Original price was: 478.500 kr..Current price is: 430.650 kr..

GRS Gravermach AT230

Original price was: 490.376 kr..Current price is: 416.820 kr..

GRS GraverMax G8

Original price was: 486.490 kr..Current price is: 413.517 kr..

This engraving system gives each handpiece excellent range of power with perfect control throughout an expanded range of impact speeds.The GraverMax G8 features 400-8000 strokes per minute, a throttle bias adjustment valve for tailoring throttle response, and a dual-stage precision air regulator.

Laguna 14/BX Bandsaw 230v

Original price was: 456.078 kr..Current price is: 410.470 kr..

Key Features

  • 10-point ceramic guides provide increased accuracy
  • Maximum cutting depth of 330mm, width 310mm with fence, 340mm without
  • Large precision ground cast iron worktable
  • Electronically / dynamically balanced top and bottom wheels
  • Quick release tension lever, for faster blade changing
  • Pyramid shaped spine, minimises frame distortion
  • Cast iron fully adjustable fence block with Hi-Low fence
  • Foot operated disc brake, almost instantaneous stop
  • Powerful 1.9kW motor, for demanding tasks

Sjöbergs Hefilbekkur: Elite 2000

Original price was: 445.000 kr..Current price is: 400.500 kr..
Hágæða hefilbekkur frá Sjöbergs í Svíþjóð - 4 stálhundar fylgja - Heildarlengd: 1945mm með 600mm disk - Heildarbreidd: 740mm - Þykkt: 85mm - Vinnuhæð: 900m - Þyngd: 125 kg