Laguna 18/BX Bandsaw 230v
Key Features
- Unique 10-point ceramic guides for increased accuracy
- Large precision ground cast iron worktable
- Electronically / dynamically balanced top and bottom wheels
- Quick release tension lever, for faster blade changing
- Pyramid shaped spine, minimises frame distortion
- Cast iron fully adjustable fence block with Hi-Low fence
- Foot operated disc brake, almost instantaneous stop
- Powerful motor, for demanding tasks
Rennibekkur Trade AT1628VS
Alvöru bekkur sem vandlátir velja og vilja leika sér á tækjum sem geta leyst flest allt í trérennsli.
Bæði verslunarstjórinn okkar í Handverksúsinu og leiðbeinandi okkar í trérennsli renna á svona bekkjum heima í skúr. Einnig snillingurinn Jason Breach sem heimsótti okkur og kenndi í Handverkshúsinu 2018.
- Large capacities for such a compact sized lathe
- Thick cast iron sections for strength and vibration free running
- 1.5kW motor with inverter speed control and two belt speed ranges
- Digital spindle speed read-out in rpm, gives great work control
Sjober Original 1900 m.Skáp SM05
Sjober Elite 1500 m.Skáp SM03
GRS Gravermach NÝI
Elma steam 8 basic (FD)
Laguna F3 Fusion Table Saw – 230v
Key Features
- Smooth ground Cast Iron table provides stability and durability
- Fully adjustable T-style Rip Fence allows precise and customisable cuts
- 2.8 kW Induction motor gives consistent power for tough materials
- Smooth tilt and height adjustment for precise cutting angles and depths
- Transparent Crown Guard gives a clear view and clean workspace
- Onboard tool caddy keeps tools neatly to hand