Showing 757–768 of 3101 results

UJK vinkill/marker 150mm

19.850 kr.

Key Features

  • Pivot point allows you to mark angles between 10 – 90°
  • Internal and external scale ensure marking is simple
  • Accuracy of square conforms to DIN 875 Grade 00. Calibration certificate inc.
  • Tapered marking holes every 5mm fits common pencil angle
  • Made entirely at our in-house manufacturing facility in Axminster, UK
  • A level of accuracy unmatched by any other standard woodworker’s square
  • Use as a scribing tool
  • Butts at different thicknesses; easy to mark centres of common sheet material
  • Bevel on the hypotenuse for easier read of angle marks
  • Two internal marking radii to assist in the marking & removal of sharp corners

Mini hefill BUSP

19.850 kr.
This 1:3-scale version of our small bevel-up smooth plane is only 3 1/2″ long and 13/16″ wide. Fully functional, it

Tálgusett 4 hnífar, brýni & trékassi

19.850 kr.
  • This is a right-handed set
  • Comes in a toolbox in form of a book
  • Suitable for beginners and professionals
  • Perfect gift for woodcarving lovers
  • Green-grey polishing compound and a leather strop are included

Berger Greinasög 3000mm

19.843 kr.

Greinasög  löng frá Berger í Þýskalandi

Kemur í slíðri og af bestu gerð en verður sögun á ferskum greinum og trjám hægðarleikur einn, er betri en þessi samanbrjótanlega ef saga á stærri við.

Aðeins 300 gr. 

Blaðlengd 24cm (45cm heildarlengd)

Mælt er með söginn er skógarfólki.

Bræðsluform fyrir sandsteypun 110mm

19.829 kr.
Vandaður hringur með stýringu þannig að hægt sé að taka í sundur og ná hreinni þrívíddarsteypun þ.e. hægt að þjappa steypuleirnum/sandinum í báða helminanan og leggja það nákvæmlega aftur rétt saman.  Einnig auðvelar að gera loftrásir og hellirás inn í mótaformið.

Sandnet 80gr.150mm 10stk

19.820 kr.

Key Features

  • An incredibly efficient long lasting abrasive
  • Open mesh design eliminates clogging
  • Dust free sanding when used with extraction

Vinnuljós LED m.borðfestingu

19.800 kr.

LED Goose Neck Lamp (Dim & CCT) White EU Plug from Durston Tools. The White Goose Neck Dimmable Colour Change Jeweller’s Lamp offers three different light colours. 32 leds provide seven watts of light and there’s no heat emission to make your work area uncomfortable. Three levels of dimming provide light from a warm 3000K non-glare which is soft to the eye to a 5000K bright light and the light is both shadow and flicker-free to minimise fatigue and eye strain. The energy saving design includes an eye care cover for your comfort and a flexible extended neck that can twist 360.

Helle FISKEKNIV hnífur

19.750 kr.

The Fiskekniv is a basic fishing knife Norwegian style.

It has a polished non-laminated stainless steel blade (Sandvik 12C27). The handle is smoothly sanded and has a mellow finish. It comes with a slotted leather sheath for safe carry.

Leðursvuna brún 90cm

19.680 kr.

Vönduð leðursvunta sem hentar í allskonar handverk og smiðar. 

Úr mjúku en þykku leðri.

Síddin er um 90cm og hentar því fyrir alla fullorðna einstaklinga.

Stillanleg bönd, góðir vasar fyrir smáhluti,mælitæki nú eða símann mikilvæga :  )

Leatherman Rev Peg

19.650 kr.

Tools Included

1. Needlenose Pliers

2. Regular Pliers

3. Hard-wire Cutters

4. Wire Cutters

5. 420HC Knife

6. Package Opener

7. Wood/Metal File

8. Can Opener

9. Bottle Opener

10.  Ruler (1.5 in | 3.8 cm)

11. Phillips Screwdriver

12. Medium Screwdriver

13. Small Screwdriver

14. Wire Stripper

Leðurhandtaska brún

19.650 kr.


  • Material – Crazy horse leather, metal hardware;
  • Item Dimensions – 23.5 x 13.5 x 1.5 cm (9.25 x 5.31 x 0.59 inches);
  • Color – Brown.

Sjöbergs verkfærastandur í hefilbekki

19.650 kr.

Key Features

  • Tool holder for Sjöbergs benches
  • Solid Beech with unique rotating design
  • Frequently used tools are immediately to hand