Showing 721–732 of 3101 results

Patrónukjaftar A plús

21.650 kr.

Key Features

  • Potential gripping range: Internal 72mm to 93mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 95mm to 116mm
  • Drawing dimensions taken when jaws form true circle
  • Excellent choice of jaws for big bowl turners
  • Made exclusively by Axminster in Axminster
  • Made from stainless steel to protect against corrosion

Mótunarleir: 2 kg

21.650 kr.

Leir í mótun á málmi.

Leirinn er settur í mót og fljótandi málmi er hellt í til að mynda form.  Þolir mjög hátt hitastig og hentar því bæði í silfur, gull, kopar og fleiri mjúkmálma. 

Athugið að þennan leir er hægt að nota aftur og aftur enda harðnar hann aldrei og helst mjúkur út í hið óendanlega þ.e. þarf ekki að bæta í hann vökva.

Axminster Vélastandur: Universal

21.606 kr.
Flestar minni vélar passa á þennan stand. Borðstærð: 26.5*18.5cm - Hæð: 81 cm.

Sicomin Resin hratt 1.5L

21.600 kr.

SURF CLEAR EVO is specially formulated for the manufacturing of wind-surf boards and surf boards. This system is adapted for hand lay up of glass fibre, carbon, aramid and polyester. It is compatible with all commercial foams: polystyrene's, polyurethanes, cross-linked and linear PVC foams. With improvements to the mechanical properties this NEW version is made with 40% biomass.

Fræsarainnlegg 10mm phenol

21.584 kr.
  • UJK 10mm phenolic router table insert plate
  • Threaded lead-in pin
  • To fit 230 x 306mm aperture

Penna mandrel compression

21.486 kr.

Axminster Demantsbrýni: 1000/400

21.450 kr.
Tvöfalt eða 1000/400 demantsbrýni. Mælum með að nota það blautt. Stærð: 200*65*8mm.

Axcaliber Bandsagarblað: 123″ – 6-10Tpi

21.447 kr.
Axcaliber Premium - Lengd: 123" eða 3,124mm - Breidd: 13mm - 6-10 tennur á tommu.

Flökunarhnífur Svartur Classic 1891

21.351 kr.

Fish, meat, or chicken – the fillet knife can take care of most of the ingredients you might want in your evening meal. The blade becomes increasingly flexible the closer to the tip you work, so that filleting becomes simple and smooth. Clear away!

Rifjárn 1,25tomma CT

21.240 kr.
These roughing gouges are used for taking the corners off uneven and square stock, leaving it round and ready for further turning. They will also make initial shaping cuts removing waste quickly and efficiently.

Demantsbrýni Fínn – 600

21.133 kr.
Fínt demantsbrýni sem kemur í fallegu harðviðar boxi. Má brýna þurrt eða með vatni. Stærð steins: 6" x 2" x 3/4"

Spindle gouge 25mm

20.890 kr.

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.