Showing 685–696 of 3101 results

Patr.kjaftar 25mm O’Donnell

23.800 kr.

steypudeigluhaldari í sandsteypun

23.800 kr.

haldari fyrir mótið og bræðsludeigluna sem gerir íhellinguna nákvæma og hraða.  Við slíka vinnu er mjög mikilvægt að allt gangi snurðulaust fyrir sig og málmurinn nái að hellast í mótið í réttum hita þ.e. sé ekkert byrjaður að kólna þegar hellt er.

Vírdragari: 0,5-3mm

23.800 kr.
Minnkar og þéttir víra þegar þeir eru dregnir í gegn - 0,5-3 mm

Veritas geirneglingarsög

23.670 kr.

Geirneglingasög frá Veritas

Our dovetail saws are an innovative blend of tradition and technology, incorporating the critical characteristics of a classic fine joinery saw but made using modern production processes and state-of-the-art materials.

UJK gataplata f.T-loc tösku

23.650 kr.

Key Features

  • Turn your T-LOC SYS3 or SYS2 case into a mini workstation
  • Indispensable when working on site or domestic situations
  • Takes bench dogs, UJK Cam Clamps, UJK hold downs and more

Skafa HD Skálaskafa 1″

23.650 kr.

These heavy-duty scrapers are designed to keep vibration to a minimum, holding great balance while in use and leaving a clean finish. They are ideal for deep hollowing operations eg. large vases & containers.  

Blazer BigShot GT8000 1300°c

23.650 kr.

Stóri gaskveikjarinn okkar sem dugar í ansi mörg verkefni.  Stór tankur sem dugar í nokkra tíma.

Krafturinn (torkið) í þessum er mest af þessum nettu kveikjurum og getur því hitað upp mest af málmi p.tímaeiningu t.a.m. við málmkveikingu eða bræðslu málma.  

Big shot er vinsæll hjá okkur t.d. ef þú vilt ekki vera með gasbyssuna sem tengist gaskúti með slöngu (vara númer 230060)

Áfylling með kveikjaragasi.

Skálajárn 1/2″ Crown tool

23.480 kr.
Milled from round bar. Every bowl gouge is finely turned for making the best of turned bowls, for heavy profile cuts or delicate feather cuts.

Made from M2 steel

Parf system taska m.foam

23.420 kr.
  • Keeps UJK Parf Guide System safe and organised
  • Stores all parts except the Parf Sticks
  • T-LOC case for top protection and easy transport

Límbyssa gluePRO 400 LCD

23.161 kr.

xploiting the full potential of hot-melt gluing often demands the use of high-quality adhesives with specific melting points.
With the GluePRO 400 LCD and the capability of setting its temperature to the accuracy of one degree, this is where the sky's the limit. Whether acrylates demanding a high temperature or low-temperature Low Melt adhesives, the required temperature is set easily and conveniently on the tool. The GluePRO 400 LCD is the hot-melt glue applicator for professionals who work every day with adhesives that perform best when they are applied at the perfect temperature.