Showing 637–648 of 3103 results

Blokkhefill 60,5 Axminster

26.854 kr.
  • One of the most useful planes in anyone’s kit
  • Low angle blade for super clean cuts
  • Excellent performance on end grain and softwood
  • Polished brass cap gives a little extra heft and comfort
  • Micro-adjustable depth of cut

Leatherman Wingman

26.850 kr.

Tools Included

1. Spring-action Needlenose Pliers

2. Spring-action Regular Pliers

3. Spring-action Wire Cutters

4. Wire Stripper

5. 420HC Combo Knife

6. Spring-action Scissors

7. Package Opener

8. Ruler (1.5 in | 3.8 cm)

9. Can Opener

10. Bottle Opener

11. Wood/Metal File

12. Phillips Screwdriver

13. Medium Screwdriver

14. Small Screwdriver

Veritas bakkasög fíntennt

26.850 kr.

Bakkasög frá Veritas í Canada - 20 tpi

Our dovetail saws are an innovative blend of tradition and technology, incorporating the critical characteristics of a classic fine joinery saw but made using modern production processes and state-of-the-art materials.

Penna kjaftur á rennipatrónu

26.850 kr.
  • Potential gripping range: Round 16mm to 44mm
  • Potential gripping range: Square 16mm to 41mm
  • Recommended for SK80, SK100 and SK114 chucks

Hitabyssa HL1920 E

26.850 kr.

Finished to a high level of quality with optimum weight balance and long life, the HL 1920 E heat gun is an absolute "must" for anyone attaching importance to quality. The multi-talented tool impresses with 1,500 watts of power, infinitely variable temperature adjustment from 120 to 1,150 °F and airflow control in three stages. And if it ever gets too hot when welding plastic or stripping paint, the automatic cut-out protects the tool from overheating.

Leatherman Skeletool

26.850 kr.
Léttur og hnitmiðaður Leatherman fyrir útivistarfólk - 7 verkfæri í tækinu, m.a Hnífur - Töng - Vírklippur - Skrúfjárn og Flöskuopnari - 25 ára ábyrgð!

Sogbarki 63mm x 4m

26.790 kr.
  • Lengths of high quality wire reinforced 63mm hose
  • Rubber end cuffs to suit extraction outlets
  • Ideal for mobile workshop chip and dust extractors
  • Snug fit onto a 63-70mm diameter machine extraction port
  • Easy connections and re-connections between extractor and machines

Hreyfiskynjari IS3360 COM1

26.732 kr.

The infrared motion detector IS 3360 for indoors and out, ideal for watching over high spaces and large areas, such as multi-storey and underground car parks, installation height up to 4 m, 360° angle of coverage, reach 20 m max. (tangential), heavy-duty relay for high switching capacity. Available either in round or square surface-mounted and concealed version.

Foredome mótorhengi f. 3stk.

26.700 kr.

Double Motor hanger with bench clamp mount features 3-pc hexagonal support rod and safety hook rod for holding one or two motors.
IMPORTANT: Work Bench System Component Arms do NOT fit MAMH-1.

Proxxon Fræsari: 240/E

26.650 kr.
Langvinsælasti fræsarinn okkar! Er með hraða á milli 5.000-20.000 snúninga á mínútu. Kemur í sterkri plasttösku með 43 aukahlutum. Góður í alla slípun, borun, pússun, burstun, sögun og fleira.

Hreyfiskynjari IS345 COM1

26.502 kr.

Motion detector IS 345 COM1 Square Recessed, white. IP20. Sensor technology: passive infrared. Angle of coverage: 360° (Corridor) with 45° angle of aperture. Reach: 23x6m. Output (resistive load): 2000W, 230V. Twilight setting: 2-1000 lx. Time setting: 5 sec. - 15 min. Installation height: 2.5-5m. Size: 94x94x78mm.