Showing 613–624 of 3103 results


28.500 kr.

Helle is proud to release the Saga Siglar Knife based on the historical Viking utility knife design originally sold to help finance Ragnar Thorseth’s round the world voyage in 1983.

Like its brother the Viking, the Saga Siglar is a replication of a historical Viking utility knife from the ninth century. In 1983, Norwegian explorer Ragnar Thorseth approached Helle to create a knife that would help raise funds to finance a trip around the world in a hand-built replica of a 1000-year-old wooden Viking long ship. Helle was tasked with re-creating a Viking age belt knife that would match the craftsmanship and historical significance of the ship.

Olía Lituð 2,5L. Natural

28.500 kr.

Frábær olía sem er til í nokkuð mörgum litum og því hægt að lita og olíu bera í einni yfirferð.  Gott að bera vel á efnið og leyfa því að draga í sig olíuna í nokkrar mínútur áður en strokið er vel yfir með þurri tusku.  Hægt að bera aftur yfir til að auka litaáhrigin og loka viðnum enn frekar ef um mikið álagssvæði er að ræða.

Hægt að nota þessar olíur á ýmis viðarverkefni s.s. gólfefni, hillur, borðplötur (t.d. límtré í eldhúsi/baði), trémuni og ýmsan opin við.

Sprittbæsir svart 5L

28.498 kr.

Mylands Light Fast Stains have been formulated on selected spirit solvents and light-fast dyes to provide stains which are both light-fast and non-grain raising. The stains may be intermixed to give the precise shade required. Light Fast Stains are not a finish in their own right and will need overcoating to give protection:
For flooring use: Mylac Matt, Satin or Gloss; Mylac Extra
Matt or Satin Matt; Earth Oil Natural.
For Furniture use: Waterbased, Cellulose, Pre- catalysed,
Acid Catalysed, products or Polyurethane (single & two
pack) lacquers; Shellac Waxes.

Flexcut tálgu+útsk.sett 4st.

28.380 kr.

Frábært sett til að byrja að tálga og skera út myndir og fígúrur.

Flexcut útskurðarhnífar eru fullbrýndir og póleraðir og renna því vel í gegnum útskurðarvið.
Annálaðir gæðahnífar, falla vel í lófann, eru léttur og mjög auðvelt að viðhalda bitinu.  Mælum með slípimassann og brýnslusettið nr. PW12

Our Beginner Palm & Knife Set features our most popular palm tools and knives. It includes an all-purpose cutting knife plus a detail knife for close work and carving the finest details. The two palm tools offer great cutting control and are perfect for small projects such as caricatures, walking sticks and tableware.

Bandsagarblöð: 5stk.2.490mm

28.235 kr.
Axminster karbon blöð - Fimm stykkja pakki - Lengd: 2490mm(98") - Breidd: 6mm til 12mm - Tennur á tommu: 4, 6 og 10 - Búið til með háþróaðri CNC aðferð.

Laguna B/Flux 1 Replacement Micron Filte

28.025 kr.

Key Features

  • Replacement Micron Filter for Laguna B|Flux 1
  • Captures 99.7% of dust particles at 1 micron.
  • Made from durable materials for long-lasting use.
  • Easy to install and maintain with a manual crank.
  • Ensures cleaner air and a healthier workspace.

Laguna Wheel Kit for 18/BX Bandsaw

28.025 kr.

Key Features

  • Enhances the overall functionality of your workshop setup
  • Designed for maximum stability and ease of use
  • Features single pedal mechanism for effortless wheel engagement
  • Compatible with: Laguna 18|BX Bandsaw

Spindiljárn 1″ CT

27.990 kr.

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.  

MICROMOT 230/E fræsari

27.980 kr.
Nýr nettur en öflugur föndurfræsari frá Proxxon í Þýskalandi. Léttur og þægilegur í hendi en aflið er gott í allskonar slípun, borun og graferí. Fyrsta vélin sem margir þurfa í silfursmíði, tréútskurð og ýmsa aðra sköpun.

Patróna 13mm sjálfherð.

27.890 kr.
  • Rugged, all steel drill chucks, all with B16 mounting tapers
  • Suitable for use in drill presses, milling machines or all types of lathes
  • Jaw opening range is 0-13mm
  • Chucks fit the optional B16- 1, 2 or 3MT arbors listed separately

Hefill no.60-1/2 Rider

27.890 kr.
  • One of the most useful planes in anyone’s kit
  • Solid polished bronze cap gives a little extra heft and comfort
  • Micro-adjustable depth of cut, O1 high carbon steel blade

Veritas Crosscut Sög: 14 tpi

27.890 kr.
0,5mm þykkt karbon blað með 14 tennur á hverja tommu - Bubinga skepti - Sagar mjög vel - Sjá nánar neðar.