Útiljós með skynjara
The matching addition to outdoor SensorLight L 625 LED with illuminated house number. Designer sensor-switched outdoor light L 626 LED, ideal for building entrances and building fronts, 9 W STEINEL LED light system, 360° angle of coverage, reach up to 7 m all round, aluminium trim panel, removable mini-sensor with 4 programmes geared to practical needs, including soft light start.
Hegner Niðurhaldari: MSE
Flexcut Tálgusett: 4 hnífar
Patróna 16mm sjálfherð.
Pocket hole jig
Key Features
- Make strong hidden joints, fast and easily produced
- Furniture making, kitchen fitting, strong frames and carcases
- Use for a wide range of material / timber thickness 13 - 36mm
- Clear metric scales
- Perfect joints, no need to pre-drill mating workpiece
- All metal parts so no flex in the jig
- Bench mounting
Proxxon MICRO Compound Table: KT 70
Proxxon Bútsög: KG 50
Arbortech Contour sander
Loftheftibyssa J-316A Novus
- Takes fine wire staples up to 16 mm.
- Precise-Plus: Long nozzle for precision fastening at hard-to-reach places.
- Recoilless operation.
- Immediately ready for use after pushing back the trigger catch.
- Electronic impact power adjuster for adjustment to the material.
- Blank firing guard prevents the tacker from being fired until it is pressed against the material being fastened.