Showing 505–516 of 3085 results

Proxxon Fræsari-Angled: WB 220/E

37.620 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - 100W - 220-240V - Hraðastillir: 3.000 - 15.000 snúninga - Lengd: 27cm - Þyngd: 550gr - Kollettur fylgja með í stærðum: 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 - 2.4 - 3.0 og 3.2mm - Öflugur DC mótor sem er hljóðlátur en öflugur.

Sjöbergs hakar 1″ 4 stk.Elite

37.600 kr.

Key Features

  • 4 x Unbreakable 25.4mm (1") round steel bench dogs
  • Tapered faces hold workpiece securely on the bench top
  • Integral spring for easy height easy height adjustment

Pfeil Járna Poki: 25 Hólf

37.532 kr.
Eins og sá á mynd nema tómur.

Útiljós L265 LED

37.500 kr.

Steinel L 265 LED - sensor switched outdoor light with 360 motion detector, wall lamp made of aluminium and opal glass with 8,5 Watt LED system and 674 lm, ambient lighting

Olía Lituð 5L.MarbleCrushed

37.490 kr.

Earth Oil is hardwax oil which is used extensively in the wood flooring trade. Created by the Mylands Technical Team, this is a blend of traditional and modern techniques of timber ageing and wood character enhancement. The concept originates from Mylands’ vast knowledge of antique restoration, flooring finishes and decorative paints for interiors, film television and theatre. This range is highly influenced by high end designers and architects.

Olía Lituð-Kastaníu 1L5

37.490 kr.

Earth Oil is hardwax oil suitable for all solid wood floorings, block, strip and plank applications.

Sjöbergs kitt f. Elite hefilbekki

36.800 kr.

Key Features

  • For use with Sjöbergs Elite workbenches
  • QSH Holdfast; rapid adjustment use vertically or horizontally
  • Large clamp pad protects your workpiece
  • Steel anvil protects bench top when metalworking
  • Jaw protectors with self adhesive backing
  • Cork and rubber composition for firm grip without damage

Proxxon Slípirokkur Rafhlöðu: LHW/A – Án aukahluta

36.800 kr.
Án rafhlöðu og hleðslutækis - Fyrir stál, málmsteypu, gler, keramík, tré og plast - Hljóðlátur og endingargóður DC mótor.

Inniljós RSPro LED R1 WW WE

36.800 kr.

Circular classic. Perfect shape. Perfect efficiency. The perfect indoor light as slave version without sensor. The RS PRO LED P1 SL integrates harmoniously into corridors, hallways and stairwells. It combines timeless design and extremely easy installation with pioneering technology and can be interconnected with the master version by cable. Output: 9 W with 960 lm, 3000 K.

Flexcut Útskurðarsett: 11stk

36.800 kr.
Frá Flexcut USA - Kemur með handfangi sem auðvelt er að festa blöðin í - Leiðbeingarbæklingur fylgir með sem og æfingakubbur - Járnin passa einnig á flestar tálguvélar - Vandaður poki fylgir með.

Proxxon Fræsari: IB/E

36.650 kr.
Mjög nákvæmur fræsari með álmótorhlíf og hraðastilli(5.000-20.000). Ál mótorhlífin minnkar verulega hættuna á legu vandamálum og gefur mjúka og titringslausa nálgun. Kemur í sterkri plasttösku með mikið af aukahlutum.