Showing 433–444 of 3085 results

Laguna Revo 12/16 Bed and Banjo Extensio

44.149 kr.

Key Features

  • Extends the bed length, allowing you to work on longer pieces with ease
  • Provides additional support and stability for your tool rest
  • Enhances versatility, making it ideal for larger woodworking projects
  • Made from high-quality materials for durability and reliability

Cyclone Workshop AWCIH

43.980 kr.
  • Stand-alone, unpowered cyclone interceptor
  • 100mm inlet/outlet, common to many machines
  • 250mm diameter flange mounting to enable easy mounting onto your waste bin
  • Works by mounting in line with your dust collector
  • Requires a dust collector of at least 1,100W (1.5hp)
  • Easy upgrade to fine dust performance of your collector

Proxxon Tálguvél: MOS

43.980 kr.
Frá Proxxon í Þýskalandi kemur þessi magnaða tálguvél. Þrír skurðarhnífar fylgja með: U laga - V laga og sléttur. Kemur í sterkri plasttösku. Mótor: 50W - Snúningshraði: 10.000rpm - Lengd: 23cm - Þyngd: 680grömm. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Pfeil Draghnífur: 440mm

43.912 kr.
Þyngd: 670gr. - slíður úr geitaskinni - handföng úr kirsuberavið

Vinnuljós LED með stigbreyti

43.650 kr.

Key Features

  • Perfect for lighting over a workbench or desk
  • Shadow free, cool light; output 880 lumens
  • Long articulated arm for easy positioning
  • Sturdy joints for secure, steady lighting
  • Swivel head able to reach narrow spaces
  • Inbuilt dimmer switch for versatility and light balance
  • Improved colour rendering with 90 CRI
  • Includes table clamp

Tréútskurð grunnur&framhald

43.500 kr.
Grunn- og framhaldsnámskeið í tréútskurði. Leiðbeinandi: Jón Adolf Steinólfsson. Tími: föstudag kl. 18-22 laugardag kl. 10-16

GRS beygjuvél

43.450 kr.
Easily shape “C” style bracelets with the GRS Bracelet Former. Form flat strips of metal to a perfect “C” shape after engraving the design. The die cup contains a soft alloy material that supports pressure from the die, but does not distort engraved work. The die cup material can be reformed by heating, when necessary.

Garðljós GL60 Led skynjara

43.277 kr.

Timeless classic with efficient LEDs. Sensor-switched outdoor light STEINEL GL 60 LED, ideal for gardens, drives or pathways. 8,6 W STEINEL LED lighting system, 812 lm, 360° infrared sensor with 12 m reach, including basic light function, soft light start and optional manual override.


43.130 kr.

Mândra knife designed and field tested with Les Stroud, a.k.a “Survivorman”.

We are very proud to present the Mândra, developed by Helle and Les Stroud – “Survivorman”.

In order to perfect the design of this newest Helle knife, we travelled to the raw, remote and overwhelmingly beautiful country of Romania working alongside Les Stroud on his latest Survivorman episodes.

Eik hvít Amerísk 2″

42.800 kr.

American white tea for use in doors, floors, kitchen cabinets, furniture, tables, etc.

We can offer this product as FSC ® certified.

Greinayddari 2-tomma

42.750 kr.
To make simple, fast work of mortise-and-tenon joinery, this system uses power tenon cutters and matching countersinks (sold separately) to

Gransfors Öxi: Skógaröxi

42.700 kr.
Handsmíðuð öxi frá Granfors í Svíþjóð. Þyngd: 1,0kg. Lengd: 50cm.