Showing 277–288 of 3085 results

Famag Borstandur: 320*160mm

79.763 kr.
Frá Famag Þýskalandi - Standur fyrir borvélar - Dýpt: 160mm - Borvél fylgir ekki með - Hentar vel þegar bora á með löngum bor - Gefur jafna borun.

Skápur undir AW254TS

79.700 kr.
  • Strong, welded steel construction
  • Finished to match the AW254TS table saw perfectly
  • Large side door gives access to a useful storage cupboard

Proxxon Bútsög Mini: KGS 80

79.650 kr.
Fyrirferðarlítil og hljóðlát í fínvinnu. Bútsögin sem leysir öll litlu málin en hún er með gráðulandi. Sagar bæði í tré og málm (ef skipt er um blað) - 200W - 220-240V - 6.000 snúninga.

Laguna Revo 18/36 and 24/36 Cast Leg Sup

79.084 kr.

Key Features

  • Provides exceptional stability, reducing vibrations for precise work
  • Enhances accuracy by maintaining a secure and steady lathe position
  • Made from durable cast iron for long-lasting support
  • Easy to install, integrating seamlessly into your workshop setup


78.900 kr.

With continuously variable electronic speed control for constant speed even under high grinding pressure. The head can be angled by up to 60° at the push of a button. Suction connection with vacuum cleaner adapter permits clean working. Complete with four abrasive belts (2 x grit 80, 2 x grit 180) and two satin-finishing belts. Set includes lithium-ion battery Li/A2 (10.8V) and rapid battery charger LG/A.

Technical data:
10.8V DC. Abrasive belt 10 x 330mm. Usable grinding area approx. 10 x 50mm and 10 x 70mm. Belt speed 200 - 700m/min. Weight approx. 900g (including battery).

Standur f. AT1416VS rennibekk

78.650 kr.
Standur undir Axminster AT1416VS trérennibekk. Mörgum rennismiðum finnst þægilegt að hafa bekkinn á standi svo allur spónn fari beint á gólfið og flækist ekki fyrir.

Artortech MKII Rokkur

78.500 kr.
  • Get the most out of any Arbortech attachment
  • Highly versatile and powerful machine
  • Designed for woodcarving, planing and sanding

Tormek T-8 brýnsluvél án hjóla

78.500 kr.
  • Create a customised Tormek T-8 sharpening system
  • Naked Tormek T-8 machine without grinding and honing wheels
  • Wide choice wheels available to suit personal preferences

UJK fræsiborð minnsta

78.500 kr.
  • Benchtop accuracy and versatility for compact 1/4" routers
  • Perfect for small runs of mouldings and fine routing
  • Fully functional and portable with a small footprint

Bandslípivél AW200BDS

78.500 kr.
  • Motor - 550W, induction quiet, direct drive
  • Versatile sanding positions. belt being used in different positions
  • Integrated fan for improved extraction when used with extractor
  • Modern design and steel and cast construction

Standborvél Workshop AW285PD

78.500 kr.

Okkar netta bílskúrs/skóla standborvél sem er vinsælasta standborvélin okkar. 

Sjálfherðanleg patróna,legur góðar og því nokkuð hljóðlát í vinnu.

  • Small bench pillar drill for hobby use, all cast iron construction
  • Smooth running 250W induction motor, 5 belt speeds 600-2,500rpm
  • Spindle running in high quality bearings

Proxxon pólervél PM100

78.500 kr.
Póleringavél með stigbreyti Vönduð ný vél frá Proxxon, þýsk framleiðsla og flott hönnun. Pláss fyrir framan vélina til að slipa stærri hluti sem og netta skartgripi. Hraðastillir gerir tækið enn fjölnýttara en ella.