Showing 2785–2796 of 3085 results

Sandpappírsbönd: 60gr – 25*760mm

1.684 kr.
Sandpappírsbönd á vél - Breidd: 25mm - Lengd: 760mm - Grófleiki: 60gr

Leðurlitur svartur nr.53

1.680 kr.

With Leather's Choice Quick Color Dye, you can easily give your leather items the perfect touch. The leather colour is available in many different colours and shades, and it can be used for both leather and mixed with latex. To ensure a nice result, be sure to thoroughly clean your leather items with acetone before starting the decoration with Quick Color Dye.

Pinsetta bein 165mm

1.680 kr.

Pinsetta í málmkveikingu s.s. silfurkveikingu, með beinan enda.

Opnast þegar þrýst er en heldur hlutum fast "í hvíld"

Silfurvír hálfk.3mm 1/2hart 10cm

1.670 kr.

Þykkt: 3,0 mm

Lengd: 10cm

Vírinn er flatur öðru megin og kúptur hinu megin.

Sterling silfur (935) sem er hefðbundið silfur til að smíða úr og sama og gullsmiðir smíða úr skartgripi.  Einnig notað í ýmsa muni og matarkrúsir, skeiðar ofl. 

Milliput Terracotta

1.670 kr.

Milliput is a versatile manipulative two part epoxy putty which when mixed together sets rock hard. When first mixed, the putty is pliable and easily shaped. By wetting the Milliput with a finely woven moist cloth a very smooth finish can be easily obtained.

Terracotta Milliput has been featured in the gardening sections of national newspapers and leading gardening magazines.

Typical applications:

  • Modelmaking
  • Sculpting
  • Picture frame restoration
  • Repair of Terracotta pots
  • Garden urns
  • Damaged brickwork
  • Quarry tiles internally and externally
  • Underwater applications

Leðurlitur rauðbrúnn 40ml

1.650 kr.

This water-based leather dye is well-suited for redyeing surface dyed leather goods - particularly furniture. If the leather needs to be redyed, you can clean the leather with Leather's Choice Strong Cleaner to achieve the best result.

Álplata A4 1,0mm p.plata

1.650 kr.

Álplata í A4 stærð (ca 220*330mm).

Mjúkt efni í allskonar smíðar, auðvelt að klippa og saga.

Leðurlitur rauðbrúnn 40ml

1.650 kr.

Leather's Choice leather dye is made on an alcohol basis and can be used to dye leather with an open grain. It can be easily applied in several coats to produce a deeper and more intense colour, and it is also possible to gloss the leather if a glossy finish is desired. If you want a colour that is less intense, the colour can be diluted with water or with leather dye thinner from Leather's Choice. The leather dye can be used on leather, wood and much more, and it penetrates really well into the various materials.

Leðurlitur gulbbrúnn 40ml

1.650 kr.

Leather's Choice leather dye is made on an alcohol basis and can be used to dye leather with an open grain. It can be easily applied in several coats to produce a deeper and more intense colour, and it is also possible to gloss the leather if a glossy finish is desired. If you want a colour that is less intense, the colour can be diluted with water or with leather dye thinner from Leather's Choice. The leather dye can be used on leather, wood and much more, and it penetrates really well into the various materials.

Leðurlitur ljósbrúnn 40ml

1.650 kr.

Leather's Choice leather dye is made on an alcohol basis and can be used to dye leather with an open grain. It can be easily applied in several coats to produce a deeper and more intense colour, and it is also possible to gloss the leather if a glossy finish is desired. If you want a colour that is less intense, the colour can be diluted with water or with leather dye thinner from Leather's Choice. The leather dye can be used on leather, wood and much more, and it penetrates really well into the various materials.