Carnauba vax
Póleringahjól Kúpt: 75mm
Þvinga samsíða 100mm
Hörþráður vaxað 25m Brúnn
Hörþráður vaxað 25m Hvítur
Sog T 100mm svart
Sog Y 100mm svart
Leðurkantskeri st.2
This edge beveler is the perfect tool for chamfering beautiful edges on your leather projects. The beveler has a straight cutting blade and is available in five different sizes, of which no. 1 has the narrowest blade and no. 5 has the widest. The cutting blade is slightly rounded at the bottom, giving the perfect angle for smoothly cutting leather edges. To use the edge beveler, simply run it down the leather with light pressure and let it do the work. In this way, you achieve beautiful edges that you can both leave as they are or treat with everything from water to edge colours.