Showing 2089–2100 of 3103 results

Carnauba vax

3.980 kr.
  • Forms a very tough and hard wearing finish
  • For small turned items, applied on the lathe
  • Long lasting bright gloss finish

Plastbox: 12 hólf

3.980 kr.
Axminster - Stærð: 230*155*60mm með loki. Lengst til hægri á mynd.

Póleringahjól Kúpt: 75mm

3.980 kr.
Henta sérstaklega vel í skálapóleringu. Kemur best út ef lítill kraftur er notaður. Stærð: 75mm. Vinstri púði á mynd.

Stálull Grade 0: 450gr

3.980 kr.
Öðru nafni Tröllaull - Magn: 450grömm - Grófleiki: 0

Rennimælir Innan: 200mm

3.980 kr.
Axminster rennimælir fyrir innanmál - Stærð: 200mm

Þvinga samsíða 100mm

3.980 kr.
  • Designed for maximum strength and rigidity
  • Useful for holding smll parts together for drilling, tapping ect
  • Made from steel with hardened, ground jaws
  • Very high holding strength

Hörþráður vaxað 25m Brúnn

3.978 kr.

Waxed linen thread, 5 cord
Waxed 5 cord linen thread for hand sewing leather. The linen thread is very durable and compliments leather and fur beautifully. 

Hörþráður vaxað 25m Hvítur

3.978 kr.

Waxed linen thread, 5 cord
Waxed 5 cord linen thread for hand sewing leather. The linen thread is very durable and compliments leather and fur beautifully. 

Sog T 100mm svart

3.975 kr.
  • Manufactured from high quality ABS plastic
  • Smooth internal bore
  • Outside diameters allow for a snug fit into the appropriate size of flexible hose

Sog Y 100mm svart

3.975 kr.
  • Strong ABS plastic material
  • Smooth internal bore
  • Outside diameters of the fitting allow for a snug fit into the appropriate size of flexible hose

Leðurkantskeri st.2

3.970 kr.

This edge beveler is the perfect tool for chamfering beautiful edges on your leather projects. The beveler has a straight cutting blade and is available in five different sizes, of which no. 1 has the narrowest blade and no. 5 has the widest. The cutting blade is slightly rounded at the bottom, giving the perfect angle for smoothly cutting leather edges. To use the edge beveler, simply run it down the leather with light pressure and let it do the work. In this way, you achieve beautiful edges that you can both leave as they are or treat with everything from water to edge colours.

Zona Bakkasög: 60cm

3.970 kr.
Hágæða sög frá Zona - Lengd: 60cm