These strong pliers have tools for installing eyelets in the size 6. The pliers make it easy to install the eyelets, and you don't need to use much force.
This super skiver is used for skiving leather, where its sharp blade easily cuts through leather. Leather often gets skived if the edges have to be aligned. The blade itself is replaceable.
Bormax frá Famag Þýskalandi - Leggur: 13mm - Þvermál: 10mm - Heildarlengd: 120mm - Skurðarlengd: 70mm - Léttari en aðrir Forstner borir - Fyrir skurði í mjúkvið, harðvið og fleira.
Efitr hinn kunna Harley Refsal - Þeir eru kannski smáir í stærð en þeir bæta það upp með stórum persónuleika! Frá munki til lögreglumanns, frá skógarhöggsmanni til listamanns. Harvey leggur til munstur og leiðbeiningar í yfir 20 verkefni.
This is similar to French Polish, but has a slightly warmer patina and gives a lighter colour on timbers such as oak. This is a rich, medium brown coloured polish which is commonly used on darker timbers such as walnut, oak and mahogany