Showing 169–180 of 3085 results

Hegner Tifsög: Multicut 1

198.500 kr.
TIFSAGIRNAR SEM VIRKA - Hegner tifsagir fá bestu dóma handverksmanna í Evrópu og Ameríku og hér heima hefur Multicut vélin þegar sannað ágæti sitt. Sjá nánar:

Hefilbekkur Nordic 1450 m skáp

197.500 kr.

Key Features

  • Hard Nordic birch top built to last
  • Includes 2 vices with 4 mounting locations
  • Double row of dog 19mm holes from each vice location

Trérennisett f. byrjendur

197.500 kr.

Rennisett fyrir þá sem vilja byrja að renna sjálfir á sem hagstæðastan hátt.

Í settinu er fínasti rennibekkkur en hraðabreyting er þó á reimum.  Ath. margir bæta við rennipatrónu líka, sjá neðar.

einnig eru fínustu rennijárn í settinu en þó betra að brýna þau betur í upphafi og verða þá miklu betri.  Bókin er lika grunnbók sem hægt er að læra ýmislegt.

Borðsög AW216TS

195.800 kr.
  • Cast iron table with a ground surface plus full length rip fence
  • Smooth control for blade tilt and depth of cut (max 65mm)
  • Supplied with R/H extension and rear support tables

Loftpressa olíulaus 5Lítra

189.500 kr.

Mjög hljóðlát og olíulaus loftpressa

Bambi has utilised over 40 years of manufacturing experience in the air compressor industry to bring you the ultra quiet, oil free PT range.

With 100% oil free operation and ultra low noise levels, from only 52 dB(A), the PT range delivers a low maintenance solution for ultra-quiet oil free compressed air applications. Bambi PT compressors are available in a choice of receiver and pump formats, allowing you to select one that is perfect for your needs.

Hólkaslípivél Professional

188.677 kr.

Key Features

  • Versatile sander combines rotation with oscillation
  • Smooth sanding of small or large curves, table tilts up to 45°
  • Supplied with 50, 38, 16, 12 and 6mm spindles and 100g loadings

Loftpressa Bambi hljóðlát 15Lítra

188.500 kr.

Hljóðlátar og nettar loftpressur

The Budget Range has been developed for those users where ultra low noise and relatively small flow of air is required. With sound levels from just 40 dB(A) and almost no vibration when running, Bambi Budget Compressors can be located in the work area without causing any noise intrusion.

Sjöbergs Hefilbekkur 1060 multifunction

185.700 kr.
  • Great versatility for woodworkers and craftspeople
  • 5 rows of 11 dog holes for multiple clamping options
  • Front and side vices with 115mm capacity
  • 1,060 x 500mm work surface
  • Constructed from quality European beech
  • Strong trestle frame with 28mm thick top
  • Supplied with 4 x 3/4"(19mm) bench dogs

Bandsög MCB115SHD

179.155 kr.
  • All cast iron frame and bed
  • Quick release head swivels from -45° to +60°
  • Hydraulic downfeed control with infinitely variable adjustment
  • 3 speed belt drive to allow the machine to cope with a wide variety of materials
  • Adjustable length stop
  • Automatic downfeed stop
  • All ball bearing blade guides
  • Ideal for the smaller fabrication jobs, especially those which require materials accurately cut at various angles

Þykktarhefill AP330S Prof.

178.500 kr.
  • Spiral cutter block with 26 double edged HSS cutters
  • Combines accuracy with super smooth finish
  • Big capacity: max width 330mm, max depth 152mm

Sjöbergs skápur SM05

177.593 kr.

Key Features

  • Maximises storage potential, fits the Sjöbergs SB119 bench
  • Spacious double door cupboard, adds rigidity and weight to bench
  • 3 drawers for tools, 3 plane pockets for access to bench planes
  • Supplied flat packed for self-assembly
  • Size 1,165 x 410mm, weight 30kg