Showing 1777–1788 of 3101 results

Pfeil Tálguhnífur: 170mm

5.880 kr.
Sérhannaður Detail hnífur af Brienz útskurðarskólanum í Sviss- fyrir Pfeil Tools. Heildalengd: 170mm - Blaðlengd: 60mm

Veritas Miðjari

5.877 kr.
Frá Veritas Kanada - Tækið er fest á vegg eða borð nálægt rennibekknum til að auðvelt sé að fara að miðja verkið.

Wax Antík Mahóní: 400gr.

5.870 kr.

Frá Mylands. Svipað og Antík brúnt nema með örlitlum rauðum tón.

A traditional formulation of wax suited to mahogany and other warmer coloured timbers which is very popular with Antique Restorers. Although very light in colour, it is not suitable for areas liable to encounter light coloured clothing or fabrics such as rugs or carpets.

Wax Antík Brúnt: 400gr.

5.870 kr.

Inniheldur hreint býflugnavax eins og öll vax frá Mylands. Er einnig sílikon frítt.

These waxes give excellent build and shine on wooden, painted and metal surfaces. They may be applied to bare timber, over a shellac sealer or used
over a base stain. Earth Stains, Light Fast Stains, Nitrostains and Waterbased Stains. Antique Brow is a warm, golden orange-brown tone.

Wax Ljósbrúnt: 400gr.

5.870 kr.

Inniheldur hreint býflugnavax eins og öll vax frá Mylands. Er einnig sílikon frítt.

A traditional light orange-brown wax – almost clear in colour, which is very popular with traditional restorers and is recommended by furniture teaching colleges. These waxes give excellent build and shine on wooden, painted and metal surfaces. They may be applied to bare timber, over a shellac sealer or used over a base stain. Earth Stains, Light Fast Stains, Nitrostains and Waterbased Stains.

Wax Glært: 400gr.

5.870 kr.
Inniheldur hreint býflugnavax eins og öll vax frá Mylands. Er einnig sílikon frítt.

Wax Dökk Eik: 400gr.

5.870 kr.

Inniheldur hreint býflugnavax eins og öll vax frá Mylands.

dökkt á litinn en auðvelt að stýra styrknum með tuskunni og þá þunnt lag í einu.

Er einnig sílikon frítt.
A cold brown colour, suitable for use on antique oak furniture, or furniture that is too light in colour.

GRS graver 6mm Hex Key

5.867 kr.

With a knurled aluminium handle and low-profile design, this key can remain in the block chuck while working. Fits all GRS vises except the MicroBlock.

Leðurpúnslasett Ferkant

5.858 kr.

This set contains stamps with different squares. A fitting handle for the stamps is included in the set.

Iðnaðarryksugupokar 5stk.

5.850 kr.

According to filter class HEPA 13 with filtration efficiency > 99.95 %. 5 pieces.

Sandpappírshaldari í borvél

5.850 kr.
  • High quality durable sanding pads
  • Available in 25, 50 & 75mm diameter
  • Helps to eliminate sanding marks

760*25mm slípibönd 7stk.SETT

5.850 kr.

7 mismunandi grófleikar:  60-600 grófleiki sem hentar þá í öll helstu hráefni s.s. tré, horn, málm og plast.