Hefilbekkur Sjöbergs Scandic 1825
Hegner Tifsög: Multicut SE
Hefilbekkur Tvöfaldur skólabekkur
Allur úr gegnheilu beiki sem þolir vel þurrar smíðastofur á Íslandi.
Tvær vinnustöðvar sem hentar mjög vel í smíðastofur skólanna og tugir slíkra bekkir hafa verið í notkun í 20 ár á Íslandi.
18 pinnafestingar - 4 skrúfstykki á öllum hornum.
Mál borðsins er 1250*850mm*850 og er það 30mm þykkt.
Bekkurinn er 74 kg að þyngd.
Þessi útgáfa ef með tréstandi en hægt er að fá bekkinn án tréstands t.d. ef nota á bekkina á hæðarstillanlegum fótum sem við bjóðum einnig.
Laguna F1 Fusion Table Saw – 230v
Key Features
- Accurate Cuts: Smooth ground table and twin mitre fence slots ensure precise cuts
- Additional workspace: right, left, and rear extension tables for larger projects
- Flexibility and precision: fully adjustable T-style rip fence with hi-low sub fence
- Powerful performance: 1.45 kW induction motor delivers robust performance
- Ease of use: smooth tilt and height adjustment allows effortless customisation
- Surface smoothness: close clearance phenolic table insert with levelling adjusters
- Safe and efficient: transparent clear crown guard with waste clearance
Borðsög AW216TS pakkadíll
Key Features
- Cast iron saw table with a ground surface plus full length rip fence
- Quiet 1.1kW induction motor
- Smooth control for blade tilt and depth of cut (max 65mm)
- Sliding table offers generous length of travel past the blade
- Includes a mitre fence and work hold down clamp
- Leg stand gives a comfortable table height of 880mm
- Splayed leg design for stability
- Kit includes R/H extension and rear support tables
Borðsög AW254TS
Durston Pólervél: Einföld
Frá Durston Englandi - Stærð: 500*340*300mm - Afl: 0,37Kw - Þyngd: 24kg - Hraðastillir: 2.800-3.450rpm - Vifta sem safnar ryki og rusli - 8W Ljós - Sjá nánar neðar og á mynd(#1412).
Polishing Machines – Single Euro Style from Durston Tools. The Single-Sided Euro Style Polishing Machine from Durston Tools benefits from integrated dust collectors as well as the cool polishing functionality. Unlike many systems today, these machines are specifically designed to have silent and powerful suction fans that are also vibration free. The fans are enclosed in specially sealed units for maximum performance. Fluorescent lighting is included on all models, and they are built from 1.5mm steel sheet rather than 1mm steel to create a more sturdy and robust construction and extend the life of your polisher.
Laguna Revo 12/16 Woodturning Lathe 230V
Key Features
- Heavy cast-iron bed for stability and reduced vibrations
- Robust headstock, tailstock, and banjo construction
- 1-step cam handle for fast belt changes
- Self-ejecting tailstock with long quill travel
- Forward and reverse rotation for enhanced versatility and finish
- 24 position spindle indexing for precise positioning
- Spring-loaded spindle lock for secure operations
- Soft-grip cam action levers for comfortable handling
- M33 x 3.5mm spindle thread