Sogkerfi AW145CE CYCLONE
Hefilbekkur Premium AS: 190cm
Durston Pólervél: Tvöföld
Frá Durston Englandi - Stærð: 700*350*300mm - Afl: 0,37Kw - Þyngd: 31kg - Hraðastillir: 2.800-3.450rpm - Vifta sem safnar ryki og rusli - 8W Ljós - Sjá nánar neðar og á mynd(#1414).
Polishing Machines – Double Euro Style from Durston Tools. The Double-Sided Euro Style Polishing Machine from Durston Tools benefits from integrated dust collectors as well as the cool polishing functionality. Unlike many systems today, these machines are specifically designed to have silent and powerful suction fans that are also vibration free. The fans are enclosed in specially sealed units for maximum performance. Fluorescent lighting is included on all models. All models have built from 1.5mm steel sheet instead of 1mm steel to create a more sturdy and robust construction and extend the life of your polisher.
GRS Graversmith
Þetta er óýrasta og einfaldasta útgáfan af gæða grafvélum frá GRS. Hentar vel bæði í málmgröft og steinaísettningar. ATh. hnífar og handfang er ekki innifalið í þessu verði.
This new power tool offers basic work capability and pneumatic impact power for stone setting and engraving. It is ideal for production stone setters, multiple factory installations, and individual craftsmen on a budget.
• Ready for both hobby and repetitive production line use
• Designed to be ultra-durable for many work environments
• Compatible with time-saving hand and foot control switching (not included)
Hegner Tifsög: Multicut Quick
Bandsög AP1854B professional
Trérennibekkur The AW2260S Workshop
Þungur og öflugur rennibekkur en um leið nettur á alla kanta.
Bekkinn príða öll helstu gæði sem góður rennibekkur hefur upp á að bjóða s.s. steypta fætur sem fylgja, snúningshaus og hraðabreyti með áfram og afturábak snúningi svo dæmi sé tekið.
- Plenty of capacity to tackle large woodturning projects
- Variable speed control, over three belt ranges
- Swiveling headstock; better access when turning bowls/hollow forms
Laguna 16-32 Drum Sander 230V
Key Features
- Open-ended drum, allows 800mm sanding width in two passes
- Patented quick adjust lever reduces set-up time and boosts productivity
- Built-in digital readout (DRO) ensures consistent thickness
- Variable speed conveyor table automatically adjusts for a consistent finish
- Turbo vented dust port increases airflow to a dust collector
- Drum carriage is bolted to the base, eliminating movement