ATH. verð er til viðmiðunar og staðfestist við pöntun á öllum okkar ofnum. Er ekki lagervara en við sérpöntum þá enda misjafnar þarfir og ágætt að huga að rafmagnsmálum þar sem ofninn verður keyrður t.a.m. hvort um einfasa (hefðubundið) rafmagn eða þriggja fasa rafmagn (stóra margpinna klóin). Afhendingartími er á bilinu 3-6 vikur að öllu jöfnu. Semja má um greiðslutilhögun en skólar/bæjarfélög greiða að jafnaði helming við pöntun og restina við afhendingu. Einstaklingar geta gert hið sama en einnig dreift greiðslum til lengri tíma (allt að 36 mánuði) á greiðslukort.
The ROHDE Fusing kiln series FE
This ROHDE Fusing kiln series uses the latest kiln technology and enables you to process glass safely and effectively.
Our fusing kilns are designed according to modern design
principles using state-of-the-art materials. The entire steel
structure is warp-resistant. Components which are exposed
to heat regularly are made of stainless steel.
The stable steering castors allow maximum flexiblity when
organising your workshop (for FE 75 / 100 only at base
The lids of kiln sizes 75 to 1000 are equipped with pressure
springs, whiche makes opening the lid very easy and safe.
All ROHDE fusing kilns are also available with an electric
lid opening mechanism.
The insulation design of our fusing kilns combines a solid
working surface made of insulating firebricks (fibre mat
coating optional) and an excellently crafted fibre lid.
We are particularly careful to give our fibre material a
clean and abrasion-resistant surface, in order to prevent
unnecessary contamination of your goods.
The spyholes are located at the sides of the kiln preventing
repeated contamination, as you don’t have to open the lid,
and it also offers the best possible overview on the entire
firing chamber.
The Fusing Kiln FE 1800 is designed as a hood kiln with
portal construction. The kiln hood is lifted up vertically by
a manually operated mechanism.
This facilitates handling pieces with large surfaces as well
as charging the entire kiln with compact parts. The working
table of these models can be moved around freely when
the hood has been lifted. Optionally the hood can also be
lifted with a hydraulic mechanism.
All fusing kilns are equipped with high-grade infrared quartz
radiators, the operation is controlled by Solid State Relays.
These relays switch absolutly soundless and are only subject
to minimal wear. The combination of fibre insulation,
heating by quartz radiators and power control with Solid
State Relays allow a very exact and safe firing process.
Það eru engar umsagnir komnar ennþá.